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just something i wrote in 5 min when i was trying to get my thoughts sorted so like my previous posted work its not refined. But thought i'd share it anyway.


Do my dreams speak true? Is what I seek you?

Do these worlds show what can be

Or am i but sleeping awake desiring you

For you are all I can see


Nought a dawn did I behold till I felt this love

Your eyes paling the stars

My body left empty and my soul to stare

As those stars shine on another

Your light crosses the land

All living things feel your warmth

I sit in the overhang awed at your beauty

fearful yet longing for your touch


And but the light takes its form of your body

will my heart feel yours and your touch claim me for paradise

Will this new day have a night

will you see my love?

if you could only see it

maybe you'd understand why I stand here with a knife


but your back turned, my heart stopped

the knife slipped, the light has vanished

the heavens opened its floodgates

i ran into the downpour howling grief

and now i find myself at your door

my eyes stare at the dark window

here i shall stay


Where you fall i'll be waiting

When you cry i'll be listening

When your heart breaks I will share it

When you smile the light will shine through

And when you hold him I'll be holding the knife


For my own actions i never felt the sun, can see nothing but

Darkness and am destined to this living death.

Let the 3 daggers of time embrace me as friend

Darkness recede and let me relive the sight of your light

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I liked this poem. I think my favorite part was:


Where you fall i'll be waiting

When you cry i'll be listening

When your heart breaks I will share it

When you smile the light will shine through

And when you hold him I'll be holding the knife


Its something everyone can relate to, so I think many people would like this poem.

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