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I have feelings for my best friend.


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We started talking about 8 months ago. We became the best of friends doing everything together. We watch movies together, go out to dinner all the time and we shared our past relationships together.


We would cuddle together and he's kissed me. If we weren't together we were texting each other or calling each other. We talked several times a day.


A few times we talked about us bit never really serious. I knew he got out of a marriage almost two years ago and was scared to get into a relationship. I told him I was scared of getting hurt and opening up. This conversation happened a few times.


One day, we were watching movies late and I fell asleep at his house. When I woke up it was after 3am. I got up to leave and he said I could sleep on his room. He stayed on the couch. The next morning he woke me up with coffee.


A few weeks later we started kidding pretty and messed around but didn't sleep together.


A few weeks later, he asked me what was going on with us. He asked if we were exclusive. I told his he wasn't going anywhere and that he was my best friend. I asked him what he thought and he said the same thing.


He said so that means we can date others. I told him yes. I asked him if he was dating and he said no. He daid he spends most of his time with me.


Two weeks later I noticed he was texting me back right away or returning my calls right away.


I joked with him not thinking anything of it and said he must be on a date. He would later call and say. I can't tell you evverything bit then day he was out with friends. We would laugh and keep kidding around.


The one day I was serious and asked him if he dates. He told me yes he's gone on a few dinner dates recently. He wouldn't tell me details or whether it was one or more girls.


When we got off the phone, I was devastated. I realize I had shared and been honest with him about everything and I normally dont open up like this. I also realized I have more feeling for this guy than I had admitted.


So I texted him how I felt and told him my feelings and that him dating made me realize this. I told him I wished him happiness and would back away and let him and not to worry about responding to my text.


Then he called me later that night but we both didn't talk about it.


I have been distancing myself so I dont get to close while he's doing his thing.


One day he tried to get me to come but i couldnt because i was busy.


Now we hardly talk. We dont text or call. This all happenef within two weeks.


I think when has moved on and is dating exclusively and I wish it were me. I miss him but haven't called or texted him in days now. What's going on? What should I for if any.

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it sounds like he was into you, and you only wanted to be friends. he gave you the chance, but you didn't take it, he left time before he started dating. so he decided to move on and to date other people but then you fount out you liked him. by distancing yourself it didn't improve the situation, why don't you text him to find out how he is? you're not getting close but its just general conversation.

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In a guy and will give my thoughts.


1. This is enotalone example #2743 of why guys and girls are rarely just friends.


2. You'll never be just friends with this guy. Invite him out for dinner. Tell him. Show him you can be open and flirt. Get him to come out and treat it like a date. You'll get a solid answer.


3. If he completely rejects you, move on. There is nothing worse than holding onto someone who isn't really there. You might haw scared him away, but if he really wants you he'll be back around.

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Thanks everyone. He did text me yesterday but I ignored his text. He didn't text again the rest of the day.


I really do like him and thought of him all day yesterday. Should I text him r call him today and keep it simple. Its hard to do when I have shared everything about my life with him.


Do I ask him to dinner or just keep it simple for now. I miss him terribly.

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Thanks everyone. He did text me yesterday but I ignored his text. He didn't text again the rest of the day.


I really do like him and thought of him all day yesterday. Should I text him r call him today and keep it simple. Its hard to do when I have shared everything about my life with him.


Do I ask him to dinner or just keep it simple for now. I miss him terribly.


I'm a little confused...You ignored his text yesterday but you "miss him terribly" and think about him all day?


It sounds like he's still interested, but you keep giving him mixed signals. The choice is up to you. I do think whichever way you decide to go that you should tell him. That's only fair. Take that from a guy who's been in his place a lot of times. It's better when you know for sure one way or the other.

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What can I do to get him to recognize me more than friends?


I did text him today and he texted me back. I really want a relationship with him.


If you have decided that's the case, you should tell him how you feel. It sounds like he will say he's interested too. I hope so, but you can't tell until you tell him.


Best of luck.

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