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How important is spiritual and emotional enlightenment?


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Hi everyone....


I have recently met a man that is interested in dating. 'On paper' he presents most of what I am looking for but there is a huge gapping hole...He is not spiritually enlightened at all. He seems to be very earth bound by materialism, winning, being overly proud etc...basically ego based all the way. 'I do not stand in judgement of who and what he is but what worries me is that ultimately it wont work because we seem to be on different sides of the ' emotional and spiritual' seesaw...


I have been through much pain in my life and have thus sought deeper meaning in my life, try to let go of ego and to live in gentleness with great consideration for others.. compassion being above all my heart's desire.



Will this relationship work? I have many fears and a child involved so would rather walk away if its not right...


Any insight would be greatly appreciated...thanks x

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The difference between a spiritually enlightened person and a materialistic person is the difference between sky and ground, it is a more fundamental of a difference than anything else perceivable so I would say you will have your frustrations in the future should you pursue a relationship with him.

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Please dont think that I judge him...I dont at all. No one is better than another at the end of the day. We are all just in different spaces for different reasons...just wanting to know if our spaces could merge....
Well, you say things like 'overly proud', 'earthbound by materialism', 'ego based all the way'. Do you not think that is judgemental?
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Maybe someone without his head in the clouds might help keep you grounded and vice versa. You're a team and you both bring different things to the table. How could the Fantastic Four defeat Dr Doom if they all had the same superpowers?

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Depends on how flexible you both are. I'm religious but the guy I'm currently seeing is very atheist. Neither of us really care and we've talked about religion a lot and actually agree on a lot.


You seem rather judgmental of his lack of faith, to be honest. =\

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You can't compromise on spiritual faith, it's either there or it's not. I know non believers who have a much higher moral compass than those of people who claim to be otherwise. I sometimes find myself somewhere in between.

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I tried to date a guy like that once and he just judged me and acted with a superior attitude toward me. He believed that I did everything by feelings and therefore wasn't smart because my main goal wasn't to become rich like him. I felt awful for months about myself afterward. I'd suggest you don't even try it.

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