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Best friend problems & in need of advice.


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I have these 2 friends, one I have known since my 8th grade year and the other ever since kindergarten. We are all in 10th grade now. Ever since the beginning of the school year I only hung out with them. At the beginning of November or end of October, I made friends with this girl name Candace but every now and then I would hang with my best friends. This has only gotten worse because the friends I made, I hang with them everyday at school. I think last Tuesday right after my bus dropped me off at school, one of the friends and I were walking to our locker (we share one) and the other best friend comes around the corner to join us. As we were walking they wanted to go to the back hall and I wanted to go in front of the auditorium and one said "Hey where you going?" and I replied "I got to see someone" and they were like "Yeah whatever. " I really did had to see someone not Candace but another person about a school project. This has also happened at recess everyday. I would be around the auditorium and when I turn around to find my crush I would see them walking and at the corner of my eye I would see them talking about me and who I would hang out with. Forgot to mention that these two friends are a guy and girl. I don't usually judge people but the people they hang around are arrogant idiots. They act like 5 years old and not to mention that when they form a circle, I'm the one who gets excluded. This girl I've been around with since October/November we have tons in common and I can always talk to her about anything. As for the other two I don't know what to do with them. I never told anybody I didn't want to be their friend anymore. Any advice of what I should?

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I wouldn't tell them you don't want to be friends anymore. That just creates more drama than you probably want. Can't you just distance yourself? When I was in high school (a gazillion years ago) I just tried to be friends with everyone but of course you have your core group that you spend your time with the most. I would let them exclude me and just go hang with Candace.... Good luck

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