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Worrying About Really Messed Up Situation

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I am forcing myself to write out what I am worried about, because then I can hopefully gain some perspective. Don't judge, some of this sounds really messed up. Advice would be cool. Please don't judge...


I am on good terms with my Ex, who dumped me for some other dude four years prior. The other night, I came over to her place to watch a movie. I wore the same pair of slacks I had on after I had sex with another girl two nights prior... I was visiting friends, so I was limited on my wardrobe. After I was with this other girl, I put the condom wrapper on the windowsill, and the condom I used on the nightstand. The condom was just on temporarily, it wasn't like it was filled or anything.


Anyway, I realized after my ex and I left for food (after the movie) that I had the condom in my pocket. I couldn't find the wrapper.


I don't remember grabbing the wrapper. All I remember is the girl I was with pointing to the night stand (the location of the condom and not the wrapper) and saying, "grab it," before my friends came in to interrupt.


I am mortified at the thought of it lying in a hidden place under my Ex's bed or something.


She's a bit of a clean freak, and for it to have happened, it would have to have fallen into the side of her bed without me or her noticing. In addition, only the wrapper would have to have fallen out, leaving the condom in my pocket to be discovered later. A high improbability considering I wore those pants all day in all sorts of situations. I don't even know if I had it in my pocket to begin with.


I'm just freaking out on the off chance that it fell out, which is slim. I have no control over this situation. I'm just stressing about it.

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LoL, Im sorry dude, I kind of found this story funny.


Seriously though, what possible bad could happen from your EX finding the condom or the wrapper laying around? Seriously, its your EX, the same ex (that you claim) dumped you for another guy (kind of serves her right when you think about it). She might think you left it there on purpose to make her jealous or mad. She may not want to be friends with you anymore, but why be friends with some one that dumped you? Just move on, if she finds it, she finds it. You need to move on from her anyway. Hooking up with the other girl was a good start in moving on, I dont know why the other girl is ok with you hanging out with your ex though.

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It is a bit funny. We still have potential for a thing though, and I still love her. Other girls don't really compare. But, I'm not dating her, so I can **** who I want.


Her finding it would mess me up, I would feel horrible. I just need to not put condoms in my ******* pocket... I don't get laid that often, so it's not really something I think about a lot. Kinda a freak situation.

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Thats part of my point too, she wouldnt have a right to give you any **** about you being sexual with any one else because you arent together anymore, and she dumped you for another guy, so it would also be hypocritical of her, because she screwed some one else too.

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I don't remember grabbing the wrapper. All I remember is the girl I was with pointing to the night stand (the location of the condom and not the wrapper) and saying, "grab it," before my friends came in to interrupt.


Isn't the most likely thing that you simply left the wrapper at the other girl's place??


I am mortified at the thought of it lying in a hidden place under my Ex's bed or something.


I don't follow this. You were watching a movie with your ex on her bed? I mean, nothing wrong with it, but it's unusual!


A high improbability considering I wore those pants all day in all sorts of situations.


A good principle in life is to not carry used condoms and/or wrappers around in your pockets for days.

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