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Should I date this guy?


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I met him while I was working. I sort of came on to him and he was game. We went on a date and he acted like a gentleman. I saw him again only briefly a week later. We only hugged when we departed. The week after I was out of town. He sent me a picture early in the morning and it was of his chest. I wasn't expecting that. He asked for one back but I told him I didn't feel comfortable. Well, a day after I was feeling playful so I sent him one that only showed my figure and my bare back and a little side boob. A week later we went to see a movie. This time he had his hand on my legs and I touched his arm but no kiss. A couple of days later during the morning I get a picture of his chest but this time I could see the swell in his boxer briefs. I said something and he said he had had a little bit to drink the night before.


I was a little put off by the picture and didn't see him again. I started seeing another guy. He was not really dating material. He was too young so I continued to have contact with picture guy. Well, I stupidly thought that the non dating material guy and I were getting serious. Several weeks later I had suspicions that he was cheating so I called the guy and told him I wanted to see him. I hadn't broken up with my "boyfriend" and really had no proof he was cheating so I felt bad and tried to cancel my date with picture guy. I told him I had a boyfriend. I asked if that was ok and he said yes and that at least I was truthful.


Well that very same night I discovered that I was indeed being cheated on. My "boyfriend" was sleeping with someone else.

I told picture guy what happened. He still texts me, sends clean pictures, and asks for dates. Yesterday morning he sent a text saying he wished I was waking up with him. I asked Why? He replied, Why not? He wanted to see me on Sunday but I already had plans. Last weekend I "had plans" because it was too soon to see him. I just have the idea that he is no good. I had the same feeling with the non dating material guy but I got sucked in and suckered into having feelings for him. He got what he wanted and left me. I do NOT want this to happen again. I am not sure if I am just distrusting of everyone though so that is why I need advice.


What I want to know is whether or not this guy likes me. He treats every time I see him. He is never aggressive. He is a gentleman in my presence but the texts throw me off. I want to know if I should see this guy, give it time, or let it go all together. I know you may say that I was cheating and maybe I was. I don't care about opinions on that.

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Uh, are you serious?


No, he is not a gentleman. LOL


Listen to your instincts. It's telling you something. LOL God who knows he might make you do tons of online sex videos later on.


^This seems like an extreme overreaction to me.


My opinion is to give the guy a chance. He sent you a somewhat naughty picture. Who cares? Besides that he's been a gentleman, he's treated you well, etc. Give the guy a chance.

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^This seems like an extreme overreaction to me.


My opinion is to give the guy a chance. He sent you a somewhat naughty picture. Who cares? Besides that he's been a gentleman, he's treated you well, etc. Give the guy a chance.


Not an overreaction. I know THAT for a fact.


It's OP's choice. I'm just saying he just sees her as a toy.


He may treat her well because its just the beginning. Wait til things hit the fan, let's see how he handle things shall, we?

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If the OP is worried he'll just use her for sex, she could always hold out on that. She can take things slow with him if she wants.


Neither of us know this guy and neither of us know exactly what his intentions are. That's the real fact.


Doesn't matter about when to have sex. What matters is the quality of the person when things go bad as in confrontation or talking about things. In other words, direct communication instead of painting a beautiful picture of himself or presentation.


I believe his intention is to hit and quit it on his own terms. LOL I used to be like him.

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My feeling is that he is trying to trick me. But then since we never kissed or anything, he might have been trying to feel me out. You know, to see if there was any sexual attraction to him. He let it be known that he was attracted to me. I caught him checking me out a couple of times. If I hold out on sex then it might tell me what I need to know.

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Hi monix


Whatever you do, don't give this guy all the benefits of a relationship with you before he is exclusive with you or you're setting yourself up for destruction. From the limited perspective of an outsider, I'd say he's infatuated with you. You'd have to see if it's you he wants to know or just your body. It really won't tax you to make the distinction.


If you think he's trying to trick you, then that's probably it. Don't defy the female intuition you've been blessed with.


All the best.

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Seriously? He sends you pictures of his chest and you're really contemplating dating him?


I mean, if you're into it then sure. You're sending him pictures back, after all. The whole thing just sounds so scummy. The fact that you didn't respond to the first picture of his chest with "What the hell!?" is throwing me off, because that would be the reaction of every woman I know, but as I said, whatever floats your boat...

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Seriously? He sends you pictures of his chest and you're really contemplating dating him?


I mean, if you're into it then sure. You're sending him pictures back, after all. The whole thing just sounds so scummy. The fact that you didn't respond to the first picture of his chest with "What the hell!?" is throwing me off, because that would be the reaction of every woman I know, but as I said, whatever floats your boat...


Really? Is that how most women would react?

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in my opinion honesty always works well, now what all you wrote up there in generally defines pretty many blokes, but here's the deal, know what you want from a relationship, if you want a future and something serious look for guys who have a life, i mean someone who has a life would nvr waste time just to use someone plus wants to get serious on the contrary "this is not to offend you" if you aren't looking for something serious well 3 date rule implies and you should reserve your judgement before three dates, you could also tell a lot about a person from the type of music they hear or for that matter the background they belong to

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you could also tell a lot about a person from the type of music they hear or for that matter the background they belong to


To an extent, maybe, but do you think those are really reliable enough indicators to base a dating/relationship decision on?

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