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Alternative medicine and ideas please .

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Over this last year ( as in last year ...oh you know what I mean) my physical health has been getting worse.


I presumed it was general ware and tear because I am and always have been active ..I have also spent a lifetime doing high impact so its stands to reason that my knees and ankles are a bit dodgy.


I find my peace in walking and taking pics ..I have got to the stage where after only a mile my back is in agony , terrible headaches , I can't then bend my knee or elbow and my toes and ankles ache.

my knuckles have started to swell , I wake up constantly because my hips ache , but if I lay on my back emily has to get me up ...then a lump appeared on my wrist and my toes are going off and doing there own thing ...I am now struggling to peel spuds etc and have started dropping things ..




so I went to the docs ...the lump is a ganglion ( a cyst) so no worries there ...and the spine and elbows etc etc well its arthritis ...I am having some bloods done to determine which arthritis it is .


I don't want medication in all honesty ...I am still sorting out what is what with the bi polar ..


what I would like from you all is money and chocolate ..failing that any foods , alternative therapies , everything that you know of for me to get this sorted and still enjoy the outdoors .



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Alternative medicine can still interact with your other medication Star. I use heat and cold on my joints. Heat can be very soothing and cold can help with the swelling. You can get different rubs to put on your joints. Also to remember if you started into menopause menopausal women can get aches and pains in their joints as part of menopause.

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do ya know vic I never even considered that about anything interacting with the other meds .


I constantly have a hot water bottle on my back ..I have now , leaning on it , not thought about cold though , so will try that thankyou .


havent started getting menopausal yet .


someone told me cherries are good for swelling so I will be trying a cherry overload ha .


thankyou lady vic xx It is not nice is it ...it hurts

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Some High-Level Sports

It is difficult to determine how much sports participation contributes to development of arthritis. Certainly, sports participation can lead to joint injury and subsequent arthritis. However, the benefits of activity likely outweigh any risk of arthritis. I don't think it is because you are too active, active is good, sports is good, I don't think you do HIIT as full out as an athlete so I think the cause is rather due to;



Previous Injury

Illness or Infection


Asking a doctor would be far more beneficial but I'm quite certain that


Sports Activity in Patients with Arthritis

In patients who have signs of early arthritis, it is critically important to maintain fitness. Patients with early arthritis benefit from weight management and muscular strengthening. These help to minimize the burden on the joints and relieve the pain from arthritis.


From your picture you look good and not overweight so I don't think it's a weight problem, some overweight people carry around too much weight for their thin untrained and muscle lacking joints which puts a lot of stress on the joints but clearly this does not apply to you =)

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do ya know vic I never even considered that about anything interacting with the other meds .


I constantly have a hot water bottle on my back ..I have now , leaning on it , not thought about cold though , so will try that thankyou .


havent started getting menopausal yet .


someone told me cherries are good for swelling so I will be trying a cherry overload ha .


thankyou lady vic xx It is not nice is it ...it hurts


Yes cherries are good for swelling and inflammation in the body.

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