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Confused. Help?


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There is this guy I sorta know. He's a year older than me and single. I think he was attracted to me but wasn't going to go any further. The first time I ever met him it was the beginning of August last year at school. I was so happy I got a class with him but as the semester went on, I grew tired of liking him and that's when I knew he was sending me signals. In class, I would usually stare around the classroom and when I would look at him, he would be staring directly at me. I know it was me because I sat near my teachers desk and it was pretty empty and the guy in front of me was always sleeping. It was obvious. He also talked to me once about how I'm quiet and I need to socialize. Now this didn't happen just in August, it occurred until December. The feelings are coming back. It's because of his deep husky voice, his passion for video games, his muscular arms and personality. At school, when he walks by I'm thinking inside "Why doesn't he have a girlfriend already?" Even at lunch, I would end up seeing him and thinking about him for the rest of the day constantly. I've tried to tell myself to move on but that doesn't work. I'm also a shy person so it's hard for me to talk to guys I like. I don't nothing about him yet feel so attractive to him. This just feels different from my other crushes...

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Maybe just start a conversation with him and see where it leads... no need to pursue him right off the bat. Easy way to do it is ask questions about class, ask him why he isnt shy, ask him about video games... If your feeling intimidated try take the emphasis off the result of the conversation and concentrate more on holding a conversation about anything with him... Everything else will fall into place if he is interested enough

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Try inviting him and his friends to an activity with your friends... Invite them as a group so its less pressure. e.g. say my girlfriends and i are playing in a mixed soccer team and we need a few guys in order to play? do you wanna play with us, its only for a bit of fun it doesnt matter how good you are. Think of an activity you and him are both interested in

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