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this is supposed to help right? ex broke up with me feel so lost

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Would appreciate it if you'll take your time and read my story


I was with my ex girlfriend for almost 3 years, it was the best 3 years of my life and I loved her more than anything then 4 months ago she broke up with me.

She said it was because We had a bad few weeks as when we seen each other we just stayed in, ended up arguing as it was all we was doing but it was only as I was saving some money up to take her on holiday but she just said she got bored :s


However when she ended the relationship it was 2 weeks before our 3 year anniversary, we booked to go away for that weekend but even though it was all payed for she wouldn't come, I kept trying to get her to come as I knew it would bring us back together better and stronger with a weekend away together.


While all that was going on I was at the lowest point in life with a few family problems and I really needed her as she was my bestfriend, I kept asking to see her for a chat etc but she was just having none of it. I eventually gave up and backed off as I concentrated on the family issues, however she was still constantly on my mind, we spoke occasionally and had one good week where we went out for few meals and cinema. But then I found out she had recently started seeing this lad 2 months after we split, at first it didn't bother me as few of her friends told me that hes brutal so it eased me in a way.


Even though she was seeing someone I was still missing her and everything I done I couldn't get her out my mind, I was hitting the gym, went on a few dates with different girls, out with the lads on the weekend but everything I done just didn't work. we still spoke but it was just arguing as I was so hurt at what she done, all I ever seem to got was 'f**ck off im happy leave me' etc.


I left it and said to myself id have no contact with her, it was killing me not speaking to the girl I loved so much after so many memories together and then it was killing me even more when I seen photos of her with the fella on the scene. The no contact didn't last long as she contacted me on Christmas day to tell me she felt down not having me around on Christmas but said shes still going to carry on seeing this lad.


Days later I met this girl that I instantly clicked with and became close, spoke everyday and I could tell we was both attracted to her. Carried on speaking met her few weeks later and ended up stopping at hers. For the first time in a while in those weeks my ex never really crossed my mind until she found out I was speaking to someone else, she started saying she misses everything and isn't happy in life with this new fella, at first I played hard to get but the more my ex was saying all this the more I wanted her back aswell.


So me been the prat I told the girl I met that it wasn't working etc but thought she was a lovely attractive girl, I was then speakin to my ex for her to turn round a few days later and say that shes still seeing that lad and thinks that shes going to now carry on seeing him, as after everything that's happened she felt it wouldn't work again, but for some mad reason I still wanted to try again until she told me to leave her alone from now on.


I just feel so lost still and like the biggest mug on the planet, but I cant help but still love and miss her, ive tried moving on but it doesn't feel right just have no idea with what to do?

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This is why people here speak of No Contact (NC). If you had done that, the ex couldn't have jerked you around.


No time like the present. Stop looking at her pictures, stop speaking with her, and stop allowing friends to tell you anything about her.


Sure, this isn't a recipe for feeling great immediately, but a big percentage of your problem if your continued contact with the ex. Quit that, and take things one day at a time.


Head high.

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