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so been just about 1 month after my ex broke up with me because she didnt know what she want, truth be told out of a 18 month LDR (150 km) i first was my own confident, cocky, goal oriented boyfriend, then the last 3 months things changed and i became needy , possesive, clingy and so on. she broke up she couldnt take the pressure anymore and wanted to make her own decisions be single and so on. i did my best to ignore her for 2 weeks not answer her 2 texts, give her space, it was college break so she went back home to her family and she parties it up basically every night. at new years she sent me a happy new years text, and yeah we were kinda exchanging texts for 3-4 days after that, flirty , fun nothing negative, then we agreed to meet up for a short supper, we had fun, spoke in the car, i did my best in the last month, to rebecome the guy she originally fell in love with, the confident, a lil cocky, goal oriented boyfriend she fell in love with at first, i hit the gym intense, i didnt cry to her beg her back or anything, i got a new better job , a new car and so on , when i met her for that supper i told her about this, and i also told her the mistakes that i was responsible for in the relationship. she said we should check up on each other in a couple months or something, i told her listen at the beggining we had such good moments and we lost them, we should try to forget the past, go on a new first date and see if we can rekindle those emotions, she wasnt crazy about the idea but thought it made sense so she agreed to it, she had a week to think about it, and so shes coming into town this weekend with her gfs. and me and her are supposed to go on a date together tomorrow, i spoke a lil bit with her today told her im busy and so on but im willing to try this. today she sent me a text saying : shes excited for this weekend, theres no pressure if things work out or not, but she says that if we can combine what we used to have ( great moments) with where we both are right now (good places , improved individuals ) then we could have something incredible....


what do you guys think ?


how should i act tomorrow on our "first date" ?

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Let her lead. Be open and listen to what she says. Discuss the changes you have made in your life and ask her questions about hers. Keep it friendly, you're not together, and that's the hard part. You have to keep that in mind.

It may seem like you're not moving anywhere for awhile, and then suddenly boom. Don't talk about the previous relationship. That is over, and if she insists on talking about it, just say "I understand that you want to talk about this. I think it's important, too. However, would you agree to talk about it in the near future, and just enjoy the time together tonight?"

If she insists on talking about it, then talk about it. Just let her lead, don't be pushy. Be the guy she first fell for.

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