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Date goes cold, then comes back

bat man

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Hi everyone,


I went on a date with this Russian girl from school in December (and yes, she is a stereotypical Russian girl in terms of dating norms). The date went well, we kissed a few times, held hands, and made out. After the date she went to visit her female friend 1,000 miles away in Arizona for the holidays. She stayed there for a month.


During that month, we initially instant messaged each other on Skype every other day, having lengthy conversations about random stuff. We only spoke face-to-face on Skype once, and that didn't go well due to a sound problem. Anyway, after a while, I grew sick of her since I felt like I was the one initiating the Skype conversations the majority of the time. So I stopped messaging her to give her a chance to message me. An entire week went by, with no message from her, even though I saw her online on Skype every single day during that week. I sent her a text at the end of that week to see how she was doing, and she responded with a cold “been busy, enjoying the weather, etc.” I thought that was the end of her until…


I run into her this week at school. She stopped me herself to say “hi” and see how things were going. I was running to class so I couldn’t talk to her much. Later that day, she sent me a message on Facebook, asking me how things are going. At a school function yesterday, she was giving me the flirty bedroom eyes. To me, this was all surprising as I had thought she lost interest. At this point, I feel she just sees me as good company to kill her boredom (she tells me she is bored here). This weekend is her birthday and I invited her out to do something. She unenthusiastically agreed (she does not like birthdays, apparently). We’ll see how it goes from there…I’m thinking she could be a “friend with benefits” or worse, no benefits.


Anyway, what are your opinions of her intentions? Why did she reconnect with me again, after going cold on me? Did she feel we weren’t going anywhere by talking online?

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Sounds like the same girl as in this story ...




If yes, why start a new topic with the same question? Are you hoping for different answers?


I sent her a text at the end of that week to see how she was doing, and she responded with a cold “been busy, enjoying the weather, etc.”

She answered your question. How is that cold? Not enough smiley faces from her?


How good is her English? How good is your Russian? Как дела?


By the way, native Russian speakers often type )))) for smiley faces rather than


I thought that was the end of her until…


I run into her this week at school. She stopped me herself to say “hi” and see how things were going. I was running to class so I couldn’t talk to her much. Later that day, she sent me a message on Facebook, asking me how things are going. At a school function yesterday, she was giving me the flirty bedroom eyes. To me, this was all surprising as I had thought she lost interest.

That might reflect a significant level of interest for her.


At this point, I feel she just sees me as good company to kill her boredom (she tells me she is bored here). This weekend is her birthday and I invited her out to do something. She unenthusiastically agreed (she does not like birthdays, apparently).

Or she doesn't like vague invitations to do "something". Some women are like that. Some Russian women are like that.


We’ll see how it goes from there…I’m thinking she could be a “friend with benefits” or worse, no benefits.

Hahahaha. Funny man. Maybe shes thinking you could be a friend with benefits, but not the kind you're hoping for.


Anyway, what are your opinions of her intentions? Why did she reconnect with me again, after going cold on me?

Perhaps she went to visit a female friend 1,000 miles away in Arizona for the holidays and stayed there for a month.


Did she feel we weren’t going anywhere by talking online?

No idea how she feels. She's not posting here.


You didn't answer my question in your first topic.


You said she was Russian. Why did you say that?


I don't like focusing on stereotypes, but some of her behavior sounds unsurprising to me if she's a stereotypical Russian girl.

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Didn't you say this already in another topic? Or was that someone else?


Forgive me. I was going to post the other thread, but this is an updated version of the situation. I posted everything from the other thread, so please respond here ...thank you!!

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If I only went on one date with a guy and i was traveling seeing a friend, I would focus on my visit and hope to see him again at some point when I got back. Did you ask her out on a second date, or are you hoping she chases you? If you are interested, ask her out again - if you are not, don't. If you had been dating a few months before her trip, then i might advise differently. The other factor could be that based on the conversations you had she might have found that there wasn't as much of a connection for her also.


Anyway - either ask her out or leave her alone. Don't expect her to chase you.

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If I only went on one date with a guy and i was traveling seeing a friend, I would focus on my visit and hope to see him again at some point when I got back. Did you ask her out on a second date, or are you hoping she chases you? If you are interested, ask her out again - if you are not, don't. If you had been dating a few months before her trip, then i might advise differently. The other factor could be that based on the conversations you had she might have found that there wasn't as much of a connection for her also.


Anyway - either ask her out or leave her alone. Don't expect her to chase you.


fair enough. yea, i was suspecting the same thing - maybe she was just focusing on her trip. she seems to be that type, to give her the benefit of the doubt. perhaps i had the wrong idea that we were in a relationship, LOL...yeah we're going out Saturday so I'll see how it goes. thanks for the tip!

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I'm dying to know, what is a a stereotypical Russian girl in terms of dating norms?


Otherwise, you went on one date and she left for a month. One date. One month away. One date does not give her much to pine over for an entire month. You obviously garnered enough excitement to last a month, but it didn't last that long for her and she went cold. Don't sweat it. She's back and seems interested again. Pick up where you left off and make some lasting memories.

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