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Why do girls stare?


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Seems obvious to me what the answer is, seeing as everyone is saying it. I think you knew the answer already CK, but you keep wanting to get reassured.


I'm asking because I obviously don't know?

and there are obviously alot of girls that just get into a stare down with me constantly.


I thought if I would stare back at them harder they would turn back around and finish whatever it is they were originally doing, but I guess it doesn't work on everybody.

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Well since I can't mind read and my first name isn't Cleo, I don't know how can they assume I know what they are thinking.


Subtlety makes situations stay the same.


I'm asking because I obviously don't know?


Well, to me, if someone is repeatedly trying to make eye contact with you and is holding it, its obvious that they find you attractive. (Why else do you stare at someone?)

Just goes to show that male and female brains are wired differently.

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Well, to me, if someone is repeatedly trying to make eye contact with you and is holding it, its obvious that they find you attractive. (Why else do you stare at someone?)

Just goes to show that male and female brains are wired differently.


Well they just said they could be thinking way too hard, or just bored, or something, or I'm just so unattractive so I don't know it could be a lot of things.


And yes we do think differently most males will communicate and say "well I like you" and not have you guessing like women are supposed to have telepathic mind reading skills

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Sometimes, while bored, i'll admit I do stare into space -- however, if i'm staring into space and someone notices and stares back at me, I snap out of it and turn away; so I doubt it would be that.

If you were really so incredibly ugly that people stared at you wherever you went, you would know. The annoying little children with waterbombs would've let you know about that a long time ago.

So, yeah, i'd say its because they find you attractive and want you to go up and talk to them.

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Guys stare at girls too so what are the guys thinking when they do it?? I've had a guys stare at me. One guy kept staring at me, I kept looking away and then kept checking to see if he was still looking. And he kept staring at me with the sexy look for about an hour. So GUYS aren't totally innocent in this matter!!!

Anyway, when I stare it's because the guy is attractive, or he has a really attractive facial feature (like eyes, lips). Although, just last week this guy and I smiled at each other. (He's sorta cute but not really attractive and not really my type if that makes sense). Well, I started thinking about something when I smiled at him and I forgot I was still looking at him! LOL!! Well I soon realized my look and a smile had turned into a stare and a smile. So he may think I'm really attracted to him when I'm mostly not. Very embarrassing by the way. #-o

But this doesn't happen to most girls and it never happened to me before now!

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Remember, if you think someone's staring it could be the situation. It's very difficult to not seem like you're staring when in a subway or elevator for example. It's surprising this doesn't cause more problems because humans decended from primates and primates consider staring a threat.


Personally I'm having a big problem with a particular girl at work in the area of trying to figure out if she likes me or just is looking around. I have a feeling she tries to go to the lunch room the same time she thinks I do. I think my main problem is that I don't have much experience with considering myself attractive, most of my life I was a nerdy kind of plain looking guy. I think that as I've gotten older I've started to look better than when I was in high school and even college (and I make much more money now, dress better, lost about 12 lbs). She does smile and greet me in the hall. Once she looked at me in the lunch room with this sort of wistful look. One day she just stepped around a corner and said hi to me point blank and just looked at me. That kind of freaked me out because that's never happened to me, I just said hi back and she walked away. I still don't know why she didn't stay and talk (?). A while after that I tried to ask her to lunch at her office but she already had a lunch plan but she thanked me for asking. What does that mean I wonder, try again or not?

I think I'll try to ask again next week. What kind of bothers me about her is that she's everything I've ever wanted in woman lookswise but I've never gotten to talk to her long enough to know what her personality is like. But because of her looks I worry that the whole flirting interpretation is just wishful thinking (self-deception) on my part. But I guess some of the things she's done are too forward for that.



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Nobody said guys don't stare but the point is I'm not a girl, so guys don't stare at me unless they want to start a fight or gay.


Anyway it doesn't really make sense since you asked but I know you girls are weird as hell so anythings possible with yall. :silly:

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Kids in my neighborhood don't throw waterbombs


Besides they know not to throw one at me 8)


Nobody said guys don't stare but the point is I'm not a girl, so guys don't stare at me unless they want to start a fight or gay.


Roflmao. XDDD


Just typing this from my Dolly magazine:


Your first flirt move is to make eye contact. Yeah, yeah, we know its cheesy, but make sure he catches on by locking eyes, looking away, then looking backagain to make your point. "It may take five times before he gets it," says Babara Pease, co-author of 'The Definitive Book Of Body Language'" etc etc.


Any of that seem familiar?

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Just typing this from my Dolly magazine:


Your first flirt move is to make eye contact. Yeah, yeah, we know its cheesy, but make sure he catches on by locking eyes, looking away, then looking backagain to make your point. "It may take five times before he gets it," says Babara Pease, co-author of 'The Definitive Book Of Body Language'" etc etc.


Any of that seem familiar?


I see alot of those cheesey magazines, but they fail to point out that some women will look at you, then turn around and look directly at some other guy in the same room. Then others will look at you and give this big ugly screw face look (as in they don't like you), but I don't care. Those articles don't say anything about that though; I just want to know what they are looking at. If I'm not bothering you, why turn around and try to give me the tough girl act face, it's not going to scare me and if anything I stare right back at you



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Now what if an ex stares at you? They don't really stare in a bad way, but they don't really stare in a good way. They just stare. Makes you kinda wonder what they're staring for.


But staring is usually a sign of attraction. It depends on the personality type. Shy girls, or people on general, won't really stare at you.

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Sheyda I get people staring at me a lot too. It does get annoying and leads me to many a face wiping in response. Especially when they stare at your mouth. I'm not sure if it's the 'they're thinking about what it would be like to kiss you' thing or if it's the 'you've got a HUGE gross bit of spinach stuck inbetween each and every tooth' thing. hehehe.


But as a female I tend to stare at guys if I'm attracted to them. The thing is I find it really hard to keep eyecontact constant with guys I'm attracted to, but guys I have no romantic feelings for not a problem. Girls could stare cause they like you, they're trying to work you out or they think you look familiar. Look for other signs attached, like smiling etc. and you could be on the right track. Good Luck!



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But as a female I tend to stare at guys if I'm attracted to them. The thing is I find it really hard to keep eyecontact constant with guys I'm attracted to, but guys I have no romantic feelings for not a problem. Girls could stare cause they like you, they're trying to work you out or they think you look familiar. Look for other signs attached, like smiling etc. and you could be on the right track. Good Luck!




I also find it hard to keep eye contact with guys I am attracted to. So I just keeping glancing at them every 2 seconds and the I try smiling often. But if I'm not attracted to a guy I can talk to them and look them in the eyes the entire time. Would the guys I'm talking to (but not attracted to) think I'm attracted to them when i do this?

What do you guys think of the quick repeated glance every 2 seconds?

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The quick repeated glance is perfect - a dead giveaway to a guy (most guys at least). That's what was so odd about running into an X not too long ago. She kept glancing over every two seconds (it was like her eyes went into rapid fire because she'd dart them over at me, then look away, dart them over, look away, etc.) and had this smile going on, but didn't say hi or anything probably because I didn't either. We both acted the same way around each other.


But if a girl just looks me dead in the eyes and is talking fine (i.e., not nervous or playful) then I know right away that this is just a friend - no attraction. But then again, once I start talking with a girl that is interested in me she will look at me dead in the eyes and talk with me, but you can tell by other things that there is attraction: tone of her voice, playful mood, playing/twirling of hair, playing with jewelry, touching your arm, etc. The list goes on and on. You can just sense it.

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