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Why do girls stare?


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I been wanting to know what is the reason for this? They won't stare at other women (most of the time) but they will just stare at a guy. They can be reading a book, in class, at the bus stop, at the park ect. They will just stop what they are doing and take a very long uncomfortable glance at you.


Do they think they might know you or something, are they trying to figure out if you might be one of their buddies, are they trying to put on there sexy face or something, are they thinking of a event in their heads and just go blank

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It has probably happened to you; either you were either just too busy to notice, or you thought nothing of it.


They do it to a lot of guys.


Perhaps... or perhaps it is because I'm fat?


Well, I guess the answer you're seeking will be posted by a girl anytime soon...

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Good question..wish I knew the answer myself. Notice how no girls have come in here yet. Guess most girls are naturally teases. That's why I basically have started a trend of ignoring girls to the fullest. I'm not gonna fall for their teasing tricks and the like.

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Well, unlike girls, guys dont wear tight clothing, so if i'm 'staring', i'm usually because i'm 'checking out' their face ('coz there isny much else you can look at. )


In other words, its 'coz they find you attractive. Duh.

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for me, i stare at a guy if hes cute.. and when a guy is cute, i would look at his hair and his side angles.. but i know its impolite to stare so i hardly do that

if that person's face is ugly or stands out in the crowd, its possible that you'll get a few stares from other people..lol


Well, unlike girls, guys dont wear tight clothing, so if i'm 'staring', i'm usually because i'm 'checking out' their face ('coz there isny much else you can look at. )
alot of (straight and gay) guys wears tight clothing in japan, and they are very attractive..
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Good question..wish I knew the answer myself. Notice how no girls have come in here yet. Guess most girls are naturally teases. That's why I basically have started a trend of ignoring girls to the fullest. I'm not gonna fall for their teasing tricks and the like.


Yeah I do the same thing

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maybe you're standing inffont of a really groovy tree


Ah sarcasm, that's nice but I don't think trees grown inside of class rooms so that is out of the question



Oh and if I'm so ugly why would you break your neck to keep looking at me?


That is retarded.

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Maybe they find you attractive, cute or that they have nothing to do so they just stare. I find some people stare at each other while in a subway or bus because they do not have any else better to do than just stare...I guess...


If someone stares at me, I will be like 'what is wrong with me or what is your problem...stop staring at me" I just find it very rude and irritated if someone stares at me.


Well, I don't understand why guys like to stare at girls either...

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Personally, I stare for..


well, sometimes I stare at people to check out their face... some guys are just really good looking.


sometimes I stare to check out their body... some just have a really nice built...


sometimes I stare to check out their belly... why can't you exercise some and put your belly somewhere we can't see?


sometimes I stare to check out their torso... what happened to your shirt? you lost it during fire?


sometimes I stare to check out their face... they're just that ugly it's cool.


sometimes I stare because of their "type," extremely cultured guys and complete jocks, or something extreme but good looking like that will get a couple of stares from me.


sometimes I stare because they're in my way or there's no where else to stare.


...sometimes they're wearing a cool shirt and I wonder where they bought it.

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Why the hell would you look at someones face if there shirt is on their body, or their belly is hanging out?


and agian why would you look at someone who's just too ugly, that would warent the question that maybe they are not that ugly if you girls keep breaking your necks to look at them?

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Take it easy ck...

>some women won't approach a man...they stare in hopes of communicating through ESP, "Come over here and talk to me, I promise I'll talk with you".


>some women just like to people watch, and men are pretty darn entertaining when they don't know they are being watched


>subtlety goes a long way, and some women stare because they are afraid of approaching you and getting humiliatingly rejected...

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I'm w/ck other than being attracted to a guy why in the world WOULD YOU STARE. All you're going to do is possibly send a mixed signal to the guy making him think you're interested when you're not.


So if you don't find a guy attractive DON'T FREAKING STARE AND GIVE US MIXED SIGNALS.



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oh yea i was thinkin of doin this to a girl in one of my classes she was staring at me too- well i am a direct kinda of person so -"i now u like me"," i always see u looking at me", "how come u won;t go out on a date with me" - this way i think it is direct and right to the point. i might even say -"i saw u checkin me out" and when we talked u seemed really interested but i asked u out u said NO- proably just playin hard to get


if i were u i be direct and to the poi9nt and tell em what u think and saw

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Take it easy ck...

>some women won't approach a man...they stare in hopes of communicating through ESP, "Come over here and talk to me, I promise I'll talk with you".


>some women just like to people watch, and men are pretty darn entertaining when they don't know they are being watched


>subtlety goes a long way, and some women stare because they are afraid of approaching you and getting humiliatingly rejected...


Well since I can't mind read and my first name isn't Cleo, I don't know how can they assume I know what they are thinking.


Subtlety makes situations stay the same.

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