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I think I have an addiction

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Ok, to make a long story short, I was sick in about November with a horrible cough. I got rx cough medicine with hydrocodone in it. Eventually the cough went away but came back, so this time I got a big bottle of the rx.


I took this every night for about a month, until last week when I had some dental work done and was prescribed Vicodin, and obviously was taking that for my pain.


At this point I'm a mess. I think I could be withdrawing from this stuff I've been taking. I've never taken OVER the written amount I've been prescribed, except for maybe 3 times when my persistent cough was too much for me to handle at night.


I'm not even sure what to do now. I still have a little medicine left but do not want to use it! I don't feel any need to take it except for the symptoms I'm feeling right now, which seem to be from withdrawal I would assume. ANY advice?!

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You might be. My advise is to buckle up and prepare to sweat it out over the next few days if you're truly addicted. If it gets too bad I suppose you could seek professional detox but I doubt this is truly necessary. Just think of it like you have a nasty 72 hour flu bug and you'll be fine.

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Sorry to hear you're going through this, it's never fun but the good news is you've caught this in time to avoid far worse problems down the road. Some people are simply more sensitive to the effects of certain substances and addiction can occur much faster even if you take the prescribed dose of something. Your best best is to just continue cold turkey, acknowledge this is likely what's going on, and make a mental note to be careful about such drugs in the future. As a teenager I was put on a pain medication by my family doctor who blithely fed me pills for six months while I recovered from an accident. I kept complaining about the pain, so he kept writing out prescriptions until the day my father walked in and caught me shivering and feeling sick, because I'd run out of them. The light dawned on everyone then and I ended up spending a very miserable summer just coming off the bleeping pills while my doctor argued there was no way I could be addicted, because I was so young. Hah, right. Just feel a bit bad now then keep an eye on it afterwards and you should be fine since you caught it so quick.

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