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When I was younger. I would meet girls online and they would use fake pictures of themselves. Nothing what they look like when I met them. That experience is called catfish.

I just wanted to share my experience and think before you get close with somebody. Make sure you see them on web cam or Skype. Seems like people are having fun pretending to be something they not. Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...
When I was younger. I would meet girls online and they would use fake pictures of themselves. Nothing what they look like when I met them. That experience is called catfish.

I just wanted to share my experience and think before you get close with somebody. Make sure you see them on web cam or Skype. Seems like people are having fun pretending to be something they not. Good luck.


why catfish? you mean from the movie?

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I had one experience where the girl had all thin pics of herself up and sent me the same via phone. When we met it was hardly the case. I didn't continue with her obviously and we are friends but it freaked me out. I now do the skype/meet up really quickly because you never really know.

I've busted many women on fake celeb pics in their profiles...google image search does wonders.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I have a friend that finds out where a webcam is placed in their city/town/locale and asks they stand in front of it. He does the same. I suppose that's one way of getting a pic out.


This is hilarious. But does he just tell them to stand there without them knowing what's going on or do they know before?

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This is hilarious. But does he just tell them to stand there without them knowing what's going on or do they know before?


Well... as I understand it. He chats with them and when it comes to exchanging pics, he figures "live" is better. So he finds a camera and he gets to see them all their glory. To be fair he does the same thing, his favorite camera as I recall is somewhere on the Vegas strip. I'm sure there are better ways but that's his thing and all involved seem fairly content with the arrangement.


Every time I'm near a security camera I think about him and usually wave. LOL

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Can't he just Skype with them using a webcam??


I suppose he could. I don't know, just recalled a conversation I had with him about meeting a woman he was dating. I'm sure technology or funding has caught up with him so maybe he is doing all that. Forgive me for not wanting to call him and asking, some things I rather not know.

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