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I have liked my friend for a long time and I just told her today how i felt about her. i was really scared to tell her because of the way i thought she would react to my feelings. she rides my bus and sits by me everyday and i was a little nervous after i had just told her how i felt. when she got on the bus she said hi to me and still sat by me like she usually did. she acted as though i didnt even tell her earlier that day. me and her were both very quit and didnt say anything the whole time she said bye to me when she got off the bus but nothing else. i always thought she kinda liked me but now i am totally confused. could she be thinking about what to say to me. shes never really dated anyone so thats what it could be im thinking. what should i do?

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It's kinda hard to say for sure what you should do. Personally, I think you should just let time go by a little bit and see if your friendship changes at all. If shes around the age you are than there may be a chance that she isn't sure of her sexuality yet. So, be happy that she doesn't just hate you for it and see where your friendship goes in time.


Sorry I can't be any more help.


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