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My Girl friend dumped me for another guy

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Hi all,

I dont know whether it has happened in some of yours life, but here goes my life event, the worst event that happened in my life.I was in college 2nd year when that girl studying 12th standard proposed me.I was not sure about this, but later i too fell in love with her,but i always maintained a distance with her 'coz i dont wanna step into love life before i balance my career as well as personal life.So i always kept a margin between her and myself. Things were going pretty well and ofcourse we indulged in love making too ,after about 3 years all of a sudden she started talkin about a boy,but i took it casually 'coz she normally speaks about her frnds(boys) to me and i too like her being friendly with opposite gender ,but later on the following days i noticed that she was constantly speaking about that guy alone,at that time i was busy with my placements and i didnt wanna start a fight with her and i got place in a Software Company.


One day all of a sudden she called me to a park and i was shocked to see her with that guy i asked whats the matter. She said coolly,lets break up, i asked why and she said she fell in love for his looks and attire.He has a brand new bike and i get bike from my friends to get her to outing. He has an Apple iphone and i jus have a basic Nokia mobile and he is somewhat form a rich family and he dresses well, im jus from a middle class family,and not of due to possesiveness, i can see evil in that guys eyes, and he has chosen her just for time pass


But she added, she really loved me,but she also said she really fell for that guy for his looks.I'm feeling all alone now, coz all the moments i spent together are always flashin to my eyes, and to much worse i started smoking as well as drinking habit.I cant imagine another guy in my place on her cot lying with her.When ever i travel in a bike i can imagine her sitting behind me.Its becoming more complex now a days,and im getting some severe mental worries . I cant concentrate on my career and i was about to switch my career from Software to Civil Services, but I can't concentrate on anyother things. I dont have much friends, i think of u all as my friend, please suggest me something to come over this issue,am I that worth less to be ingnored jus like that for another guy??Is Money and good looks are the only things that decides a good relationship??Please guys help me!!!


In search of Peace ,


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Please, please don't fall into the "good guys finish last" thought! Not all girls are this terrible, I promise. You happened to fall for a girl who never really felt the same for you, unfortunately. The best advice I can offer is to move on with your life, focus on your career, and wait for the right girl to come along. She will likely contact you as soon as this new guy breaks her heart, but you need to do your best to turn her away. She would just be looking for a shoulder to cry on, and she knows you would treat her well - but she is incapable of treating you well.

Best of luck!

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wow sounds like she isnt a very nice person. be glad she is out your life. no contact. and when that guy is done playing with her and screwing her guess who she is gonna call for emotional support? YOU!


but because you are a ena member you will know that youre not gonnan talk to her anymore right>?

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  • 2 months later...

Hai Guys ... thank u all for ur valuable advices.... iam trying to bounce back in my life... but you see last nyt my ex called me and spoke to me that she had a problem that her new boy friend saw alll the chat history between me and her ... and it seems that guy is not comfortable with that ... this gal is pleading me to talk to her new boyfriend and console him ... and out of all blues she started talking about their relationship and wat and all they did ... even up to hw close and intimate they were ... iam depressed as of now.... i tot iam evloving and having a grip and bouncing back in life... but her talks made me sick to my stomach ... i cant tolerate the thought of her being in another guys arms... i jus need some consoling words please help me...



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Dude, she's just using you. I'm sure she's mighty attractive and stuff, but she's not worth this trouble. She's trying to use you quite conspicuously, and it's probably in your best interest to turn her away. Unless you realize how much more valuable you are than her, she'll treat you like a used Q-tip. This girl just wants attention. If you give it to her, she'll destroy you.

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She doesn't need you. You are in need of her, so that you can feel loved. Best I can say is that whenever you contact her, she will ignore you and make you feel like a tool. Whenever you miss her, remember she is thinking of this other guy instead of you right now.


I am somewhere else in the world right now, but I am your brother and I am feeling pain like yours right now. Tell me everything you feel. I am listening. We all are. What are you into? We will list a thousand hobbies to try, movies to watch, and games to play. You can't avoid her forever. You just have to figure out for yourself what she's really doing to you. It's not about the breakup. It's about how you're feeling. Stay in touch.

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Hai Guys ... thank u all for ur valuable advices.... iam trying to bounce back in my life... but you see last nyt my ex called me and spoke to me that she had a problem that her new boy friend saw alll the chat history between me and her ... and it seems that guy is not comfortable with that ... this gal is pleading me to talk to her new boyfriend and console him ... and out of all blues she started talking about their relationship and wat and all they did ... even up to hw close and intimate they were ... iam depressed as of now.... i tot iam evloving and having a grip and bouncing back in life... but her talks made me sick to my stomach ... i cant tolerate the thought of her being in another guys arms... i jus need some consoling words please help me...





this post made me angry.


my dude...I really, really, REALLY hope you grew a pair and cursed her out mercilessly after that. Calling you and asking you to console her new man? IS SHE A REAL PERSON?? Awwww man...hell to the naw. I would have stripped her down not a second after. That woman looks at you as a spineless coward. Im just being brutally honest because you need to hear that.


The audacity of this little wretched swine of a woman! Fernando, you need to stop being a nice guy to this horrific pathetic excuse for a human being. Right now, you need to stop being sad and GET MAD. Its time to take this wench off that pedestal, VIOLENTLY. Take your manhood back man! Show some pride in yourself! Next time she calls you with that bulls**t, tell her to build a bridge and jump her sorry ass right off it then hang up in her face. Dead serious.

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How you doing now?? But problem is not you but HER, and you are not worthless, you deserve way way way way better than her, just remove all the things that remind you of her and never never contact her again. Go out with friends and do things you like doing. Be strong and soon you will get out of this ... Good luck

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I can't believe the nerve of this woman, I didn't think people really acted like this, I'm ashamed to be the same gender as her. I'll be brutally honest with you, were I in your shoes and someone did that to me, I would tell them to f**k right off. I know it's hard because you love her, but you don't deserve to be treated this way at all. I'm shocked someone could do something like this. Ugh

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  • 2 months later...

Frnds ,


She contacted me again and she said she really loves me and she s missing me and all ... she also added that she s beginning to forget that new guy when ever im near her... and the talkings went on for about a week i wqas helping in some of her projects and all and all of a sudden she started her hurtin job again ... she said she s not loyal to that guy and also she added she doesnt need that guy as well as me tooo... she said you dont wanna feel possesive of me and take revenge on that guy (actually i never tot in before hand as i think that new guy is a bum) bcoz it seems she is gonna say no to him too ... and she also said me about the time they both were being intimate and all and the moments he touched her... she also added she didnt feel me wen he was touchin her... and it seems he almost touched her all over except fr the main intercourse... she was bloody killing me then ... is she tryin to pacify me and i dunno wats goin on ... im thinkin of stop thinkin abt her and lead my life and here again fr the 3rd tym she comes in my life and hurtin me like anything .... i dunno wats goin on frnds.... she jus keeps on callin and if i dont attend she questions me that so tats the respect u give to our love ???? jus help me out frnds.... IM IN HELL !!! literally

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5 months on.... and you're still allowing her to cause you pain. Block her on everything you can and ignore her. You teach people how to treat you, right now you are allowing her to mess with your head by contacting you.


Do what it takes so she cannot contact you easilly, ignore her as best you can and keep trying to push forward and realise, she is bad news.

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  • 1 month later...

What in the heck is wrong with you bro? Are you that cheap? Why are men so weak today? Sever communication with her now and move on gotdamn it. SHE WILL DO IT AGAIN IF YOU TAKE HER BACK. When it happens again, PLS DON'T COME UP HERE AND SEEK SOLACE; sounds like you enjoy this yourself. First you need to focus on your/a career; don't think you have one. Go out there find something that will validate you in life...self improvement is the ultimate gift you can give to yourself. It will open up an horizon of new women; better ones. Happened to me...rollercoasterist girl trying to rollercoast my mind just as she is doing to you when I was in college; got nothing then; no money but potential. Drove me insane; almost lost my drive for life and my career. Luckily; got myself together, severed the relationship moved on. 5 yrs later, here I'm an engineer, at 28 making over 90k a yr, got a nice condo, M5 and women are all over me...now I get to choose. Guess what? She is single, with 2 kids, no education, no guy, miserable and all that beauty gone. She told a friend that the biggest mistake she ever made was letting me go and will always regret this until she leaves this earth....I gloat as I heard that...haha...daughter of a ) I have moved on and don't think she is the kind of woman I would want to date now or envision marrying...we are on different level now. That's something about life; people change and always good to wait longer or take your time before committing.


The caliber of women you will meet when you are accomplished(I don't mean money. I mean self worth, independent and have a career....have something going for you in your life; women want this in a potential mate. First place to start. ) aren't the same ones you came accross when you were younger and no career. Why? Because the woman you will meet now; most likely has her own career; she understands and knows what it takes to get there. And values you for that. In retrospect, looking back...planning our lives then with no career, no education is just dump and childish. Guess what? She probably found a naive guy to fall for that crap; they ended up separating...that's what usually happens when young people make plans with no common sense.


My advice to any guy out there is Financial security and self worth/career....this is something you should never compromise on; never ever. Women will come later in droves. And never you depend on someone for your own existence or life...guess what? When they are gone' you will be heart broken and destroyed.

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  • 2 months later...

Thnx mate... she really came back to me and she was spending tym with me fr about 5 months...but i never showed any interest to her and made some fake smiles and jus went out for one or twodays and oneday she said she wanna be in my lyf again and furthermore as a wife... i didnt reply her and moved away from the place and didnt take the matter to my head... Later on after a few outing she said that she s still having that guy in her mind and she s still thinking about him ... and added that when ever i near her she thinks that as if she s cheating that guy and more over she said that the reason she came back to me and said all those things was to console me and to make my future good ... and nothing more than that she said .. i never replied a word and came back and never contacted her for about a week ... DRAKE2900 its jus that i just cant forget her and i love her like anything ... i dunno whether thats a problem with me so sorry for coming back and posting what happened in mylife... its just that i dont have many frnds to utter these things that happens in my life ... i jus feel light when i open these things to u guys... Sorry if bothered u in anyways ...



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Forget her. If she chooses a guy just because of his possessions - you don't need a girl like that. Keep on going with your career and self-discovery, let her hang out with a "guy with a bike", you deserve a woman with brains that loves you. If she ever calls you or contacts you - ignore her.

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