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Grrr... Why Is He Doing This?


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He's contacted me 5 times since Friday night. He called me Friday night, then sent me a text when I didn't answer, just telling me that he had ridden his bike for the first time and listed off all the tricks he had done on it. This is the bike I had gotten him for his birthday that I dropped off at his house last weekend after we broke up. I answered his text saying that was exciting and that I was glad he was enjoying it. He sent me 3 more texts telling me what he had been doing on it, I didn't respond.


Then he texted me yesterday afternoon telling me he had injured himself on the bike for the first time and fractured his tibia. I responded several hours later telling him that sucks, that's what pads are for, and that I had just finished riding myself but had managed not to fracture anything.


I was at the concert last night with my friend (the concert that was supposed to be his Christmas present), and I get a text from him saying, "I wish I was there with you, work is so boring". I didn't respond all night, and early this morning I wake up to find another text from him saying, "only one more hour left I hope". I responded a few hours later saying that I was sorry work sucked, gave him a brief description of the show last night, let him know I had a great time, and told him I hoped he was doing well.


Why he is he doing this? What does he want from me? Any suggestions as to how I should I handle this?

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He has made it very clear and time and time again that he doesn't want a real, healthy committed relationship with you. So yes they mean nothing and you're wasting your time. Go full NC and start healing.


Trust me, if you were to "act on" his messages and seek him out again for a relationship, you will get the same thing you've been getting all along from him. Nothing.

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Actually, screw that noise. I'm not going to call him. I'll just start ignoring him completely. If he decides he misses me enough that he wants to revisit "us", he can call me and tell me that. I'm not doing this *** for tat game, and calling him, being dramatic, and demanding he make a decision as to whether or not he wants to be a part of my life. He's never had the chance to miss me because I've always been there for him whenever he needs me. I'm going to use this break up as an opportunity for him to see what life is like without me always being there, and for me to meet some new people. He had no problem chasing me before when I wasn't all that responsive and interested, so this shouldn't stop him again if his mind changes. But I'm not banking on that happening and I'm going to really start focusing on moving on.

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There's no need to call him, your silence will send a loud and clear message. At this point he has nothing to fear simply because he knows he can contact you at his leisure. He'll soon learn that small talk is not going to cut it, and if he sincerely wants to get back together he needs to up the ante.


In any event he'll either sink or swim...his choice.

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There's no need to call him, your silence will send a loud and clear message. At this point he has nothing to fear simply because he knows he can contact you at his leisure. He'll soon learn that small talk is not going to cut it, and if he sincerely wants to get back together he needs to up the ante.


In any event he'll either sink or swim...his choice.


I guess I always worry that they'll forget about you if you ignore them. Or they'll get the message that you don't care and you've moved on and, in turn, they'll do the same. In any event I always worry that it will have the opposite effect of what I want and will push him away even farther. I know I should only be concerned about myself and my healing process, so I need to just ignore him anyway so I can move on, but I still can't help the way I feel and what I want.

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Well he texted me again today. Just sent me a picture of himself, lol. Had to take a second look to realize why he sent it to me... it was because he got his arm tattooed. It's just weird, no caption or explanation, no nothing, just the picture of himself. That was earlier this evening. I haven't responded. I was so close to calling him and telling him to knock it off, to leave me alone so I can move on and forget him, but I think my silence will speak volumes... at least I'm hoping so...

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Why don't you block his number from calling/texting you? I assume you're on a cell phone. It's not that hard. If you have a smartphone, you can get a free app for it. Even if you use a regular old "non-smartphone", you can usually have your carrier block the number for you.


If you're truly serious about going NC and regaining your sanity here and moving on, then you really need to do this.

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