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In my case it’s both... If we get really busy with work and school we plan for a certain night and other times it’s spontaneous in our case though it’s still mostly spontaneous. There are times though that we both get really busy and are just too tired so we plan a date night when we both have a day off, so I would say it just depends on the circumstances.

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Have you already had sex with your bf/GF?


I think it should be spontaneous, unless it just isn't happening. Planned sex was never enjoyable to me unless it had been a while since I last got it. If it was like "let's have sex every Monday at 7" there would be plenty of Mondays where I wouldn't be looking forward to it. Don't get me wrong, I would have sex every day Of the week if it seemed right, but having it planned makes it feel forced. What if I had a crappy day? Or if I'm feeling particularly down on life? I don't think it's really far for any partner to be expected to perform on a planned day and time.

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Definitely spontaneous, though there will be occasions when it is so obvious in advance that you are going to have sex (e.g. after your "six months today" dinner out) that it is effectively planned. But even on those occasions, one shouldn't object if the other isn't up for it.

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Not interested. Low sex drive.


Then it's not about you, but it's something he needs to address with his doctor. Encourage him to get it looked into and tell him politely what you need without blaming him or making him feel inadequate, and if you need more sex (perfectly reasonable) then so be it. He should understand that and with your support of him to address the problem, it needn't be a big issue. But he's going have to decide that he wants to do this for the benefit of the relationship.

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