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I'm SO TIRED after getting home from work!

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I just started a new job as a waitress in a small resturant. It's part time, and I work less than 20 hours a week. I only work three days a week at the most, and the longest shift I have is 8 hours. Most of the time I work 5-6 hour shifts.

The work isn't hard, and it's a very low stress environment.


My question is, why do I feel so freakin tired after I come home? I didn't work hard, it wasn't a physical challenge, and I didn't even have to wake up that early. I'm young, and so this is my first REAL job that I have kept for more than a day. I just don't get it.


Did anyone else feel like this when you got your first job? Is it normal? Please let me know, because right now I feel like the most lazy person on the planet. Thanks

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It is very normal and natural. It is your first job! I promise you that you will feel better soon.


I got my first job out of college, doing 40 a week but I worked 2 12 hour shifts and 2 8 hour ones. I am still doing that job now, 6 months later.


My first shift ever was 12 hours long and my feet hurt so badly that I limped to my car. Now with better shoes and some time later, they do not hurt unless the hospital is busy and I'm literally running around for the whole time.


Your body is just getting adjusted. Don't worry at all. This is very normal.

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Ok I believe you guys Thanks for all the advice. I do think my aniexty makes me more tired, but I'm not sure how to fix that problem. I'm just greatful that I have a nice boss, and 80% of the time very nice people come in and eat at our little spot. I was thinking about getting another job, just because at this one I only work till 3pm at the latest and it's only 2-3 days a week. Should I wait a bit and get used to it so I'm not so tired, or should I just keep looking for another job?

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Your body is just getting used to the new routine. Even if it's not that physically demanding (per your post), it's still new to you and you probably don't realize that you're a bit tensed up and on edge because you're still in the learning stage. Your mind and body will eventually adapt and you'll start feeling less tired.

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Ok I believe you guys Thanks for all the advice. I do think my aniexty makes me more tired, but I'm not sure how to fix that problem. I'm just greatful that I have a nice boss, and 80% of the time very nice people come in and eat at our little spot. I was thinking about getting another job, just because at this one I only work till 3pm at the latest and it's only 2-3 days a week. Should I wait a bit and get used to it so I'm not so tired, or should I just keep looking for another job?


Yeah, I'd get a firm handle on this one before looking for another one. Juggling two new jobs will just add to your stress and anxiety. Let one become comfortable and routine, then think about a second one. Don't burn yourself out!

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