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Something that really helped me.

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I recently rescued a dog. She's a Husky/Shepherd mix and she is FANTASTIC. I'm not going to share my whole backstory, but one thing that came along with the breakup was leaving her dog that I spent three years with. I will never forget the day I said goodbye to him. It was awful. After moving into my own place, I came home and awoke to an empty apartment. It was incredibly lonely. I went from having a girlfriend and dog to see at night, to absolutely nothing.


I'm sure I will always think of her dog, but having my own dog here with me has given me someone to care for and look after and having their unconditional love is phenomenal.


If any of you had to leave a pet behind that you grew very attached to, I recommend getting your own. Granted, it is a lot more work since I am on my own and am responsible for getting her outside, and taking her on walks, but we walk in the woods every afternoon, and watch TV at night.


Part of my life feels normal again. Three months removed and I haven't heard a peep out of the ex, but at least I found a sense of normalcy having a dog with me.



Pets do wonders for you. Whether it's a dog, or cat.

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I still miss my friend's dog. She was a German Shepherd and we thought she had a bit of Husky because she had a curley tail. No brains at all but so lovely and friendly.


I sadly don't have room for a dog of my own but I do sponsor a dog with Dogs Trust.

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