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LIVID! What should I do?


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My friend P and I decided to plan a short trip together. We're coming from different cities. I said I'd like it to be short and sweet and would prefer spending just 2 nights there. I also stressed that I want my OWN bed and we should get a room with TWO BEDS. He knew that very well. Anyway, he said he was going to look into tickets and let me know what he finds. Well, suddenly I got an email from him announcing that he got plane tickets for 3 nights (not 2) and the hotel only has one bed, and otherwise is booked up! Also the reservations are all non-refundable (from priceline)! I am totally enraged! This guy often makes sexual innuendos to me and he knows I don't like it. Obviously this is just one big trap! He is leaving the country forever soon and so I agreed to meet up with him one last time before he goes back. Now I'm totally regretting it.


What shall I do? I could go ahead and book my own place but 1) I can't afford that, and 2) if I splurge anyway, he will be annoyed and the trip will be further complicated with us both staying in different places. I am just SO MAD he put me in this position!!!!!!!

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I agree with crazyaboutdogs. if you want out, you have to pay your half.


but, like the others, WHY would you agree to go in the first place? someone makes sexual advances (you don't like) and you agree to go on one last trip before he leaves?? for what?

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I didn't give him the total booking power. He just went ahead and did it unbeknownst to me.


Yes, I admit that going on the trip with him despite his previous advances wasn't the best idea. I have fun with him but then he will ruin everything with a lewd remark that really puts me off. But since I thought I would never see him again and we have shared a lot together over the years, I would take the risk.


I am just going to pay him for my half and not go.

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I also stressed that I want my OWN bed and we should get a room with TWO BEDS.


I'm not sure why you would even trust him in a room with two beds, especially knowing that "he often makes sexual innuendos towards you?"


I'm sorry, but it looks like you walked right into this one.

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I didn't give him the total booking power. He just went ahead and did it unbeknownst to me.


Yes, I admit that going on the trip with him despite his previous advances wasn't the best idea. I have fun with him but then he will ruin everything with a lewd remark that really puts me off. But since I thought I would never see him again and we have shared a lot together over the years, I would take the risk.


I am just going to pay him for my half and not go.


I wouldn't pay in this case.

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Let's be real here:


A guy who makes "sexual innuendos" at you and you've given him the total booking power of putting this vacation package together. How could you NOT see this coming?


I don't think you should have agreed to go with him in the first place, since you don't like the advances he makes towards you.


What they said. You were being very naive.

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