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I was dating this 21 year old for the past 4 months and things seemed to be going well. The past few weeks we haven't really talked or hung out and I tried talking to her. So I sent her cousin a message and she told me that she got a new boyfriend and the reason why she didn't want to tell me was because she didn't want to hurt my feelings and that she was just using me the whole time. It kind of makes me laugh the immaturity of people some time and if you don't want to see me or talk to me any more just tell me to my face. Oh well back to putting up my guard again and not trusting so easily. I'm going back to school next week and my goal is to meet new people and possibly get a new girlfriend. I just wonder why I let myself trust when I know they don't deserve it. On a different side note at I am training for a 8k race in April and trying to get my time better. I been reading a lot about training and stuff and hopefully I do well this will keep me occupied to say the least.

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