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what is it that girls go crazy for in a guy


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ok now im not just asking for what girls like but im just wondering if anyone can tell me why or what is the reason for this


ok out of me and my 2 friends i have always been told by girls that i am the hottest and its pretty much nown that i am a hot looking guy


now with girls i get the avrage amount of play or get girls about the avrage amount


now one of my 2 friends gets basiclly any or every girl he wants. plus he is has been said to not even be good looking now hes the type of guy that is outgoing and makes girls laugh but for some reason they all go crazy over him.

my other friend is almost the same way but for some reason girls dont really like him


now my question is how come my 1 friend gets a lot of girls and how come they go crazy over little things like that

and if you can let me know what you think i should do to get more girls like me


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Well, girls are just weird I guess. I'm just kidding, girls are just different from guys. Even though this isn't true in all cases, good looks with no personality doesn't always work. Well, no looks, and a great personality doesn't work terribly well either, but what you want to get is a good portion of both. Some girls like mature guys, some like funny guys, and some like extremely hot guys. Just like you may not like all of the same girls your friend likes, girls may not like all the guys their friends like. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, is basically what I am try to say with a very confusing explanation.


Oh, and by the way, I'm pretty sure there is no "average" amount of girls that you can get. For some reason that sentence made me laugh.

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I'm a girl and i can't figure it out. I just know I'm attracted to some guys and not others and the one I'm attracted to may not be hot like the one I'm not attracted to. I think it's the hormones. Maybe different guys release a pheromone that very specific women are attracted to.

Or it's a certain vibe the guys are giving out.

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I just wanna say, taht everything ive heard here is sooooo true.



Girls are attracted to certain guys, sometimes you ask them why they're attracted and they'll even tell you *i dunt know*. Truth is, attraction just isnt a choice, its a reaction.



I guess the most important thing is..... you gotta play your cards right.



Have her lean towards you subconsciously. Have you ever notice how you like a certain person a lot more for no apparent reason??? I guess its the same thing here with girls, theres something about your friend that justs.... clicks with the ladies. Why dont you ask your friend what he thinks girls like about him the most?

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I bit off the topic, but i saw a study done on tv, where they got this guy to smell sweat of 5 different girls, and the sweat he liked the most was the one he had the most different DNA with and the one he liked the least he had the most common DNA with. So maybe its all in the genes?

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I bit off the topic, but i saw a study done on tv, where they got this guy to smell sweat of 5 different girls, and the sweat he liked the most was the one he had the most different DNA with and the one he liked the least he had the most common DNA with. So maybe its all in the genes?


That's interesting.

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I've heard about that.

The said it was something to do with our subconscious urge to find a mate that has completely differnt DNA, because the more differnt two peoples DNA, the healthier their children are (hence the fact that in-breeding often leads to diformities in children.)

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I know a lot of girls, including myself go crazy for a guy that has confidence, but not to the point of arrogance. Like he knows how to carry himself and is sure of who he is. Guys who have charisma and a great sense of humour are also really attractive even though they may not be the best looking guy around.

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i love a guys body...A nice Hard body makes me real happy , if u know what i mean...If the guy holds my interest by just pretty much jokin around and makin eye contact , a guy that makes eye contact is usually a guy you can trust!


Haha, that makes me happy too.

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