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Just had coffee date...hmmm.....confused..


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I agree......


I don't care what race they are, as long as they are nice (and fit of course )


But i seem to be thinking about this other chick from work for some reason, I can't help it, maybe its because she walks past me every day, and its like ohhhhh (weak at the knees..even though i am sitting down)


hehehe....oh well, I need to make some back up plans, in case this scottish thing don't work out.....gotta keep your options open don't you

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i mean u goota give the girl credit she asked u out- i mean how many times does a gal ask a guy out lol. me i never been asked out. is she hot. what asian are u. maybe she gota some aisan guy fetish or whatever hey.

yea definely have back up always do- more the merrier lol.

yea i now some women are like that all passive and they want the man to do everything -like asking her out, want do this, do that ......


oh ya who paid for the drinks. first date at the pub drinking beer wow.

is she a friend or just a aquintance

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I paid for more of the drinks, but she chipped in as well...maybe its an english thing, but going straight to the pub for a first "date" is kinda normal.


is she a friend or just a aquintance


someone I knew of from school and vice-versa.

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