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7 months...

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It has been 7 months since the girl I loved more than life itself turned her back on me. It has been nearly 6 months since I last heard her voice. Apart from an ignored text message which I sent in a moment of weakness 2 months ago that is 6 months of complete no contact.


During the last 7 months I have managed to drop over 20 pounds in weight. Alot of the time I have felt half insane with grief. I have tried to find comfort and happiness with other women but that failed miserably as I was just using them to fill a void and to deperately block out my grief.


I have no more tears left to cry. I no longer even have the strength to be angry any more. I have finally admitted to God and to myself that I cannot ever change this situation.


7 months. I am definitely not the same person. I still think of her every day and will love her forever.


I also know she is gone forever.


My soul mate.


Good luck to you all.

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Hi Brandell,


You are doing well. You are grieving - and that is way normal. You are accepting the loss - that is a great sign. I think half the battle is already won when you accept that it is over. It is probably the hardest thing to do - that first step of acceptance - but you will realize afterwards that once you have geared yourself to healing from the loss - you will feel better... not great, but at least better.


Good luck to you too Brandell. Treat yourself to something nice today for your first big step of acceptance of the loss.

Take care.

Kung fu

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maybe this can help i posted it today:


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i lost 10lbs during 1st couple months broken up & you have to make that stop! stop feeling sorry for yourself. life is all about a process of elimination. read that post. i know what ur going thru but youre killing yourself inside. please stop! its ok to grieve but take my advice i lost weight & i fainted like 2wice b/c of the stress i let an ex bring into my life. help yourself!



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Yeah... During a break-up at one point in time I stopped eating and took medicine to help me sleep. That was a long time ago, but I learned to value my body, regardless of how upset I get.


You're doing very well with the whole situation. There are some people who after 7 months would still be calling. Sometimes I wonder if I'd be the person still calling my boyfriend if we weren't together for a long time... Who knows. Love makes people crazy. But you are doing awesome at not contacting her. It's good to know that it's possible to do. You should share this with more people. People feed off other people's strength.

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Just want to let you know that I lost 35 pounds. Ok, ok , I was a bit overweight but I lost those extra pounds anyway. Im a hockey player. Now, I dont have to accept bodychecks anymore, I'm off before they hit me. I just have "wings" on the ice. It feels good. I have also changed "inside" and this is even more important. Breaking up was a good thing for me. It had to happen to me. I know you feel the same one day because time is a great healer.

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maybe this can help i posted it today:


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i lost 10lbs during 1st couple months broken up & you have to make that stop! stop feeling sorry for yourself. life is all about a process of elimination. read that post. i know what ur going thru but youre killing yourself inside. please stop! its ok to grieve but take my advice i lost weight & i fainted like 2wice b/c of the stress i let an ex bring into my life. help yourself!




Congrats to you dragongirl!


A winner everytime! Now let us all follow in example and make the most of ourselves, and let go of those who choose to ignore and throw us away like garbage. Have fun with yourself!


If they -our exes-do not desire or love us anymore, then there is more of us to go around, and someone will soon give us a chance and love us more than ever!

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Brandell, hope you're doing okay. Remember - you deserve better!


Fantastic! Hope you're doing good too!


and to Dragongirl - haha! Go Maple leafs go!! You'll like it here up here in Canada - especially in Toronto - its CAnada's NY. We all pretty laid back and nice. But actually, our loonie hit an all time high in 12 years, so you won't get twice as much money as you originally thought - more like just over 1.2 more.


Hi yaaaah!

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