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Males vs Females: What Makes Males Great?


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It seems, that no matter how I look at it, females are vastly superior to males. That's why I made this decidedly sexist thread


What makes a male great?

Why are males better than their female counterparts?


I would like answers from both sides. Think carefully about your answer


Edit: Ladies, you'll get your turn at a later date.

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Ha ha this topic is rediculous but just to entertain you I will give you a few.


We don't analyze every situation.


We don't wine about not being treated equally (even though there are areas where females get better treatment).


Most of us aren't vain egomaniacs who think every female who looks our way is captivated by our handsomeness (and I say most because there is an exception).


Most of us don't care about what a woman is wearing.


Most of us don't care about what another man is wearing.


We don't wine that the opposite sexes clothes look better, even though women have WAY MORE selections than men.


We do notice unlike women these femminist pig adds and movies which do nothing but dog all men and make it seem like women are always victims.

(ex. cheating men in movies, femminine product adds, ect.)


We don't give other men double standards and and blame it on women (like when other women lable you a easy or desperate and you blame it on men).


You make all types of excuses for why you just don't want to be the agressor in finding a date, like it's tradition or someother bull crap just be honest and say your too much of a chicken to do it, and yout comfortable in the situation you don't have to get up off of your behind and risk rejection, and your fragile pride.


We don't whine about they type of women that approach us, especially if you had a chance to control your destiny and choose theperson you wanted to be with *see above post*


The things women are vastly superior in are having sex with, anything intimate and a funny source of amusment. Because there is no other alternative to that and I'm not into the gay thing. And they always fin a way to say or do something that blows you mind and has no logic.

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The benefits of being male:


1) Physically stronger

2) Many guys can grow and become more handsome as they get older, so thereforeeee possible longer period of maintaining their looks (sean connary

3) Earn on average more money than the female equivalent.

4) Higher risk takers

5) Less b1t*y

6) Less backstabbers



The benefits of being female:


1) More flexible

2) Overall more beautiful

3) Allowed to use a stupid amount of products to enchance looks and physical features without being called a "cheat"

4) Endless pleasure in bed (i.e. a guy will cum and loses his interest easily)

5) Get to sit on their backside and guys go upto them. So face no rejection

6) Get more sympthy for problems as guys are expected to be tough and bottle it up.

7) Due to society, can whinge about the cold, despite the fact that the average woman has a higher percentage of bodyfat than the average guy and is thereforeeee probably not as cold as him.

8 ) As ck said, women have so much more and better clothes to choose from.

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This thread has turned into a misogynistic rant about how men compare to women!


I think (at least I hope) the intent of the question was more along the lines of what are some positive qualities of being a member of the male gender.


Sorry, but I think the question itself is flawed. Its almost impossible to come up with an answer because to do so you have to pit one gender against the other. Whether your writing a list of good female qualities or good male qualities no matter what you say you're putting down the other gender.


I would have as difficult a time writing a list of good female qualities as a list of male qualities because there are many qualities you could put down that are found in both sexes, for example, both men and women are capable of being egomaniacs and back-stabbers. These are traits not found exclusively in one sex!!! Also, I've seen enough men asking for insight into girlfriend situations on this website to know that men can be as obsessive as women at over analysing situations.


Likewise, both men and women are capable of showing compassion, kindness and the abilty to nurture. No one gender is more or less capable of good traits like these.


Also, be careful about the traits you put down because some of them are not traits that make men good, like saying "men make more money than women" Firstly, thats not always true. Secondly, that is not a good thing! It tells us that there are huge economic discrepencies within our society that serve to force certain members of our society into poverty, for example single mothers and their children! And don't accuse me of pointing that out because I'm a woman and I'm prone to "whine about not being treated equally" I know that I'm not the only one that has noticed this inequality and the others include as many men as women.


Also, there is a growing amount of literature out there (written by both men and women) that has taken notice of the growing amount of advertising that unfairly portray either gender, male or female.


I'm not trying to start a riot here, I just want to point out that this is not an easy question to answer. The question may be simple but the answer sure isn't. If it is going to be answered then be careful with your answer. I know I sure don't want to take a crack at it no matter what gender I'm writing about!

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Some good answers people


Very good points geo_jane

Yeah, I initially didn't intend it to put down the female gender... but then, in so many ways, I did

You see, I am a guy and I have a weird problem that makes me feel like females are better. So, I just wanted some things to make me feel better about being a guy. That is all; no offense intended to all the lady-folk out there


Also, it's true, some of the mentioned things do appear in both sexes, but, [stereo]typically are more common in the female gender =)

... but at the same time, yeah, I understand it is a very offensive/sexist thread, and I apologise for that =)


So yeah, try to keep it clean guys

Thanks for listening and contributing everyone

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lost_relic, why would you feel women are better than men? I have so much trouble with that. I personally can't think of anything that would make women inherently better than men or visa versa. My point in my previous post was not to demonstrate how offended I was by the tread. I was not offended. I just wanted to point out that men and women share many very good qualities which make being a human in general a blessing.

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It's a case of gender dysphoria...

Either, I was born with it, or it has built up over time due to factors in my life... or it could be a combination of both of those.

Most probably, I should just tell someone, and seek therapy. But I can't tell anyone, as it'll kind of make whoever I tell think I'm a complete freak. I don't even want to tell my mum.

It's even making my relationship with my girlfriend quite hard at the moment. She doesn't know though, even though often I want to tell her.


So yeah, that's why I feel this way... and requested this thread =)

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