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Girlfriend broke up with me


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Thats ridiculous. She needs to pee before AND after sex and it would be in both your best interests to shower before hand. Her getting a UTI is a normal reaction for a lot of women from intercourse, assuming that you are a clean person and not contributing to the problem. The infection occurs when the penis pushes bacteria from the urinary tract up inside the bladder. The urethra (urinary tract) usually has a good amount of bacteria hanging around it so urinating before sex will help flush out the germs and cleanse the tube from the sterile urine. Tell her to go the a GYN or even a clinic if she wants more information. But really, being proactive will keep her from getting the UTI's. I empathize with you both because I have been getting chronic UTI's since I was 4, though recently, I have pretty much gotten over them, but it just involves a lot of personal care.

PM me is you want; I have a plethora of info on UTI's.

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