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Do you keep a tally?


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Its funny you mention numbers because I was just thinking about that. Its sometimes cool to look at time charts with your numbers. In my last year of high school I was up to 3 total girls I actually dated(for the sake of science I only listed people i dated or specifically asked out, including people I broke up with, not just people who rejected me). I'm not entirely sure how or when it happened but 4 years later i'm over 20 girls now, and still not a good one in the bunch...


Time flies

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No tally system my friend, just thoughts. - Of how too better yourself the 2nd or 3rd time around while asking a girl out, you just have to think a little to yourself


"Hmm ok how can i make this go a little bit smoother for me"


what i'm trying to say is, *Take a small time to plan.* If you have too think back to the "Mistakes" you made, but don't let them pull you under into a state of mind where your feeling like "I'm not confident with myself anymore" you don't want that.

Instead learn from your mistakes..thats how your going to grow more confidient and than it will start to show.


You want to learn from when you were rejected, and with that rejection, which is going to happen, you can prevent setting yourself up for it in the future, which a lot of us guys do , it makes it so easy for a women to reject us...But you just have to forget about that and say " I wasted my time" and move on, Stay positive it shows in your personality when talking with a women. (they can sense it)

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A tally can be a nice way to track your progress. But if it's a tally of failures, it can be damaging to your moral and motivation.


It may not be helpful to quantify these sort of things. Why don't you focus on picking out the best possible girls who are right for you? work on finding quality dates. If things don't work out, don't put another notch on your bedpost of rejection... because when you look back on it later, you have nothing to learn from it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can remember every single rejection I have ever had. In fact, I have only ever had rejections so it's not too hard to dwell on. Then people tell you that all you need is confidence. It's like telling someone all they need to be is a different person. Perhaps when someone doesn't reject me I'll gain a little (just a little, not a lot) confidence.

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I can remember every single rejection I have ever had. In fact, I have only ever had rejections so it's not too hard to dwell on. Then people tell you that all you need is confidence. It's like telling someone all they need to be is a different person. Perhaps when someone doesn't reject me I'll gain a little (just a little, not a lot) confidence.


I've also been able to remember all of my rejections, because I've gotten nothing but no's. I am 0/8 lifetime as a Junior in High School. I am still able to be confident, but I almost feel a little limited and I am hesitant sometimes when a girl may "like" me because based on my experiences, it will more likely be a no.

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Just a thought for you guys getting rejected. A little suggestion on getting stood up, try not to ask the girl out. Better yet mention that you are going to be somewhere on a certain date and that yould like her to join you. Like " Hey im (or me and some friends are) going to see the new movie friday, if you wanna come, let me know," or "heres my number" this projects self--confidence that you are cool and not a needy person and that life is not going to end if she dosent show up. That way if she comes, its because she really wants too. If she beats around the bush theres your answer. And if she dosent come, well, thats her loss. Its not like you were begging her to. Tailor my example to better suit your situation.

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