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I have been the nice guy my whole life. I have seen time and time again nice guys being cheated on by the women they love, stepped on by the people they help, and ignored by the people they call friends. Nice guys always finish last and its just the way things go. When all this evil happens to nice guys like me how can people say that there is a just and loving god sitting up in the heavens, i deny his existence. I for one am tired of finishing last and feeling hurt and or betrayed, i want to come out on top for once. So in a world full of evil what else can i do to finally win but embrace that which i hate? I must too become evil. And If that is how it must be then so be it, from now on there is no more mr nice guy (hate to use the old saying but it just fits).

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There's no law in nature that says nice guys must finish last or lose. It's the evil guys who lose, even though they may beat the guys around them, they defeat themselves.


I'm not sure what you mean by nice or evil here. I'm assuming from your context that evil is someone who cheats in a relationship.

I have seen time and time again nice guys being cheated on by the women they love, stepped on by the people they help, and ignored by the people they call friends.
Is this you this happened to? Would doing to others what others have done to you really make you happy?


I think you may be confusing "nice" with "compliant," or, worse, "wimpy." Being nice can go very well with being strong, with having self-respect and expecting respect from others and loyalty from relationships. It means not letting yourself be taken for granted, and it means saying no if it's what you honestly feel. It also means being a good listener, being there for those close to you and sacrificing time and effort, but not dignity or identity, for those you love. That's a very cool form of nice.


An acting teacher of mine once told a student who used to go into the store and be ignored by the sales clerks, that she should go in as if she were Julius Caesar. Just walk and talk as if she was the Roman Emperor, but not in a freaky way. Naturally. She had three salespeople running all over the store for her. That's nice!

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Well it can definatly be disheartening dealing with constant disapointment and let downs, but if you think that the jerks of the world are happy content people I've afraid your very wrong. The big problem people have with being the nice guy is that they are pushed around and abused.


There is a big difference between being a nice guy and a push over. That difference is confidence in one's abilities. Winners never give up, they aren't jerks and pricks they don't push people down to succeed. Winners don't quit even when they feel nothing but doubt.


You will not come out on top when you screw a friend over, you will not get an edge when you cheat on your girl. You'll only demine yourself and feel crappy.

Nice guys don't finish last they are just easier victims. Stop being a victim and take charge of yourself. Why does someone elses actions define who you are?


Being the good guy isn't easy but what matters is that you can look yourself in the mirror everyday. You have some hard choices to make, I wish you luck.

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I agree that the world is full of Evil, particularly full of evil, cold and calculating people who only want to take advantage of others. I felt shocked for a while too when I discovered this fact.


However, the good news is that you actually are capable to recognize the state of things, instead of living in denial, as I did myself for a very long period of time.


Now that you realize this, you should prepare yourself in consequence. First of all, you have to learn discernment. You must learn to differentiate good people from bad people. Stop trusting everyone and be careful. Don't get too close to people too fast. I was stabbed in the back many times myself.


You should entertain superficial relationships with most people, and be very careful with the persons you allow to get close to you.


You may feel depressed for realizing reality, but it is just a process of maturity. You're just growing up.


Take care!

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Oh c'mon! Francis, that is possibly the most negative advice I have ever heard. If you don't trust anyone, then how can you possibly enjoy life? Most people aren't the "cold calculating evil sons -expletives deleted-" Most people don't even think twice when they do mean stuff like that. In fact, usually, they think they are doing the right thing.


But the problem isn't with the people you are beng stabbed in the back by, the problem probably lies with you. Most so called "nice guys" think that by being nice they will get any woman that they want. You think that girls are attracted to someone different from who they usually are around. But it turns out, most nice guys, if given the chance to get something without being nice are actually nasty people. That doesn't mean you are, it just means you have to be who you are, not put on some fake "nice guy" attitude, just because you think it will get you laid. If you are fake being "evil", you won't get what you want either. It isn't easy to win in this world, and just because who you think God is didn't answer you're every request doesn't mean he doesn't exist.

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Evil exists in this world and will probably always exist. But thats why it's so important for us to good. Yes, it may seem like the mean, evil jerks get all the breaks and end up on top. It may seem like nice guys finish last. But if those nice guys give up and turn evil themselves then the battle is over, evil wins by default. The good guys have to have hope and believe that they can make a diffference. There are plenty of girls out there who want a nice guy, it's just a matter of finding them when it seems like most people only want jerks. In the end the good people can look at themselves with a sense of pride knowing they have done the right thing while the mean, evil people will always have to live with a heavy heart and soul.

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Eh Canadian, blunt and to the point. Good show, a little hard to swallow some times but I would have to agree. You won't be happy being someone your not nor will you attract the right people. Just be who you are and stand up for yourself, nothing worse then being loved for qualities which you don't even possess. ARe you ready to put up an act for the rest of your life??

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in the end the evil guys finish last. bad things happen to good people, but bad things happen to bad people to. It may seem that the evil guys are always getting their own way, but in the end it will come back to them. And at the end of the day you have to look at yourself in the mirror.

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you are actually doing what life wants from you , being the bad guy beacause only then you have backed out on the challenge . You are fighting life not the people and their way they treat you , it's more like a king deploying his troops life , people are the troops you keep on killing life's just gonna reqruit more so cut it from it's roots. fight to exist



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I have been the nice guy my whole life. I have seen time and time again nice guys being cheated on by the women they love, stepped on by the people they help, and ignored by the people they call friends. Nice guys always finish last and its just the way things go....I for one am tired of finishing last and feeling hurt and or betrayed, i want to come out on top for once. So in a world full of evil what else can i do to finally win but embrace that which i hate?

In doing so, you will destroy your capacity to truly enjoy what it is you're trying to "win," and end up more miserable than before.


The only thing worse than feeling alone when you actually are alone is feeling alone when you're sitting right next to the woman you love. And "alone" is exactly how I would feel if I knew that she was with me -- not for who I really am deep down -- but merely for the "evil" person I'm pretending to be. To understand what I mean, imagine it were possible to physically transform yourself so that you looked and sounded exactly like a guy you hate. If, while under this disguise, the woman you loved threw herself at you sexually, what would be your reaction? I don't know about you, but my reaction would be total disgust, because I would know it's not really me she's throwing herself at, but a despicable person she mistakenly believes me to be.


The result? Instead of being merely unhappy, I would be unhappy and disgusted. So if you're "nice" by nature, remain true to that. It is, if nothing else, the least worst option available.

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