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so how many exes texted for new years/christmas? (shane falco, you're right...)


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You're right. My ex texted me for New Year's, and I replied and we exchanged a few texts, and this morning I realize that you're right. I shouldn't have replied, or should have just said simply, "You too." Keeping in touch isn't going to help me get her back, and it's not helping me at all.


From now on this guy is doing things your way in 2013.


Anyone else hear from their ex last night?

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I guess we're in the process of reconciliation...I'd assume - we saw each other - had nice time - keeping in touch but not as much as when we were in relationship.


He texted me affectionate - I did the same. Just one each.

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oooh I kept myself in control, but I'll probably text mine around january 8th when he has exams. No texts from exes, but that's because I changed my cellphone number. Also no FB messages. Forever Alone at its finest haha

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I got a long email last night, just apologizing again and saying he thought about me and missed having me in his life. I'm sure he wishes we could be platonic friends.


There was nothing there about the woman he dumped me for, or the feelings we used to have for each other.


It was pretty heartbreaking.

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I got a long email last night, just apologizing again and saying he thought about me and missed having me in his life. I'm sure he wishes we could be platonic friends.


There was nothing there about the woman he dumped me for, or the feelings we used to have for each other.


It was pretty heartbreaking.


Wow. Are you going to reply?

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Wow. Are you going to reply?


All he wants from me is friendship, so what's the point?


It hurts too much to have contact.


He knows how I feel about him. If he wanted to get back together, he'd say so. He's just writing because he feels guilty for the way he treated me.

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NC for me. I told my ex Saturday that I couldn't be friends with her, that's it's too hard for me. So we both agreed to try NC for a few months. She's got a new girlfriend though, so I doubt NC with me even bothers her or matters. I, on the other hand, kept thinking of her last night and was wondering what she was doing and all that, and just wanted to die. My heart is just so heavy.

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All he wants from me is friendship, so what's the point?


It hurts too much to have contact.


He knows how I feel about him. If he wanted to get back together, he'd say so. He's just writing because he feels guilty for the way he treated me.


You're very wise not to inflict more pain on yourself. Hang in there.

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NC for me. I told my ex Saturday that I couldn't be friends with her, that's it's too hard for me. So we both agreed to try NC for a few months. She's got a new girlfriend though, so I doubt NC with me even bothers her or matters. I, on the other hand, kept thinking of her last night and was wondering what she was doing and all that, and just wanted to die. My heart is just so heavy.



I'm sure she was thinking of you, too, and missing you. Especially on a night like New Year's.


Remember, the song goes: "Should Old Acquaintance be Forgot"..... not "Wooo-hooo New Girlfriends For Everyone"


People look back on New Year's as much as they look forward. It's a melancholy night. Good for you for sticking to your NC!!!

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I sent ex a simple Christmas card (she knows I send cards to lots and lots of people so it's not like a great honour), she texted "Thanks for the card and Merry Christmas", I texted "you're welcome, bah humbug", no further communication, and not bothered by it.


Was slightly glad not to run into her around town on New Year's Eve though it wouldn't have ruined my evening.

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She texted me on Christmas saying Merry Christmas. I gave her one back and that was that pretty much. New Year's there was no contact at all. I don't mind too much.


It's very true what you said though, sharky. NYE is a very melancholy sort of night. I did think back about her when the new year was being brought in, but it was more of a bittersweet note. I haven't forgotten the good times we shared and I'll always be grateful for the happy memories I created with her in 2012 but I have to acknowledge that that's all they are now. Can't dwell. I know there'll be days when I feel terrible again but I'm slowly coming to terms with that fact. I'm sure she thought of me at New years too. We spent it together for the past few years (as "together" as we could be in an LDR).

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Nope. Still doing NC, he knows about this and isn't very happy about it, but tough luck! My birthday is coming up in a few days and I don't think I'll be hearing anything then as well. Anything I would hear from him now would be like hearing from a ghost..

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Oh I had to see mine moments before he was on his way for a big night out due to a emergency house problem. We argued. Told him enough is enough and we aren't friends. End of. I'm either in his life as a partner or not at all. He started to get upset then got angry and I told him bye.


He still texted happy new year. I didnt reply. He's not my friend and he's acting like a child.


Never been blunt with him since BU but a few home truths were vocalised around his abandoned family and money. Something hit home because he spoke to ALL his family shortly after.


Oh well. happy new year!!

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I accidentally broadcast messaged him (along with all of my contacts) and he replied back and initiated a conversation. I was pretty bubbly, although I think I pushed it a bit. He asked a few questions about my new years and we talked for about an hour over text. He then said he'd make sure he has fun this semester (as he was complaining about school ending in April before). He doesn't sound any different from when we talked in October...still a little distant. He seemed warmer in December than he does now (whut). But whatever, I'm trying to be positive and just focus on myself and school/extracurriculars this term.

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