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I think you can file a police report and still remain anonymous. The police will know who you are, but you can ask to have your name withheld in public records, so your name will never get out.


You can tell them that ahead of time, and tell them if they can't have your record anonymously then you can't report.

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I think you can do it anonymously, but not sure

I found a number in NT for sexual assault referral centre with 24 hour access to information regarding the medical, legal and counselling / support options available (maybe you can ask them?) and its confidential

Darwin phone: 89 227 156.

there are other places you can call phone Springs 89 515 880 (during working hours)

Darwin - Ruby gaea 89 450 155

katherine 89 710 777

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Well, I know in America they cannot release any information you don't wish to release. That's often a problem when they prosecute rape criminals because they'll get 4 or 5 girls to be witnesses but the other 12 won't even release their names.


You'll be a number, victim number .. etc, but they can't release your name until you give concent.


I'm not sure about Austrilia so you'll have to ask. It's easy, just call your police department and ask if you wish to report a crime, if you are allowed to remain anonymous.

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oh ok thanks for that! yeah i called my friend in LA and talked it all out with him..he still wants to fly over and be with me and i still wont let him...he thinks i should report it aswell...he told me he'd call the police station here and say that "a friend" was worried about coming forward and what should he say and all of that.

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Well everyone,

I reported it. I was reluctant at first as there were no female officers on duty..so i had to tell this old fat stinky man. They wanted to take DNA swabs but I wouldn't let them until there was a woman there. I went back a few days later and they took swabs from my vagina and mouth.

they don't know if they'll catch him though! They said they'd do "All they can" or something like that!!

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I am really sorry for what happened to you. I just wanted to congratulate you on the courage it took you to tell someone. Hope everything works out for the best in the end. Your bravery hopefully is something others can see and follow in your footsteps. Good Luck!!

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It's a massive shame that the police in NT are so disgracefully incompedant, I swear some of those jokers would have trouble catching a bus! No wonder they needed the mandatry detention system up there, they figure "well we got him THIS time we might never catch him again because we're so incompedant."

Utter disgrace!


But Naecha I want you to know I'm very proud of you and I'm sure I don't speak alone, it's just sad that the people who are meant to protect you let you down!


And if anyone in the NT Police force is reading, I'd be doing something about this because you lot failed big time!

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Im living in Perth ATM, but I'm from Darwin in the NT. The police up there arent exactly great in my opinion as well.....they DID have mandatory sentencing, which worked great, but then Claire Martin got in and scrapped it and now its back to square one.


I don't know where in the NT you are from, but if it's Darwin, there is a place you can go on Vanderlin Drive up the road from Casuarina Shopping Centre. Its on your right heading towards Hibiscus in Leanyer and there is a big sign saying Somerville.....its completely free last time I checked and they have a lot of people their who can help you talk about it if you feel you need counselling.


Well done on reporting it, you did a very brave thing and I hope they catch the mongrel that did it.


On a side note I can't wait to get back to Darwin in January

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Hi Naecha,


I am sorry to read what happened to you, that is really aweful, but i congratulate you on reporting it. You are NOT a bad person and this wasn't your fault.


What you really have to do now is be really careful. Don't walk home alone, and for goodness sakes, don't walk around at night.


Just be really careful and don't put yourself in a 'vulnerable' position again.


When you are older, you can move out of Darwin and start again.


Let us know how you are getting along,



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I disagree that mandatory sentencing worked great, all it did was increase the number of people in the jails and they ended up convicting people for stealing a pack of crisps, hardly high level crime. As we've seen the real criminals get away because the police are so hopeless. That's not to say there wasn't a problem that needed addressing before hand but they never really addressed the issue of crime, mandatory sentencing was just an "easy fix" which did nothing but lock up people for stealing bred which even led so some people taking their lives not long afterwoods.


Two things need to be done, firstly some proper research into why there's so much crime, secondly a close assessment of the police force in NT, perhaps even a Senate inquiry or an internal audit!

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Mister1 above, are you trying to say that rape is a petty crime that isn't a big deal?


...if so, I dissagree. I think rape is worse than kidnapping or torture. I always believed the current laws are too soft on rapists. If they rape someone they should be sentenced to life time in prison without probation.

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No that's not what I'm saying at all and I'm not quite sure how you got that from what I wrote.


I was discussing the ineffectiveness of mandatory sentencing, which existed in the Northern Territory, because it resulted in people being put away for petty crimes (stealing bred, crips, jaywalking whatever) while the REAL crimimals (Rapists, murderers etc) would often get away because the police are hopeless at catching them.

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I had the opportunity to work in the office of the D.A. while in college and we had very close ties with the police. It is unbelievable all the stress and hardship policeman are put through. They really have a very difficult life, as well as their families, and I believe that we are all very lucky that some people chose to be policemen in spite of all this, for petty salaries.


We are lucky that some people are willing to risk their lives every day for us to be able to enjoy peace and order. There was a police strike here once and people were really scared of what might happen. We need policemen, we need to support them and respect them. We owe them our peace of mind.


As to mandatory sentencing : Mandatory sentencing, as any other legal reform, was probably not effected out of the blues. It probably took years of abuse and recidivism from petty criminals for the authorities to look for a solution. Believe me, the authorities are not happy to send someone to prison because every prisoner is a hardship for the State and extremely expensive for the public funds already depleted. They probably adopted mandatory sentencing because they concluded, after studying the question in depth, that that was the best solution.


Believe it or not, most petty criminals will only think twice if there is a risk they will go to prison. And most big criminals start their 'career' as petty criminals. If you don't stop them, they get worst.


It is very sad that nowadays in our society, people have more compassion and respect for criminals, who trespass upon us every day, than for policemen, who sacrifice themselves and risk their lives every day to protect the public order.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Please report the rape.. It wasnt your fault.. Rape is a act of control, not about sex or anything else.. I am sure it will be very painful to relieve it, but you have to take control and maybe this will stop him from doing this again.. I hope you will find a good support group and I hope your family will also offer support..

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