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I keep breaking NC


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And now I feel like a pathetic little lamb that he doesnnt respond to. I had made it alomst 2 whole days and sent "I miss sleeping beside you and wish you would answer etc..." only to get "it will only make it harder and maybe we will talk wehn i get back" I know how pathetic and foolish I am for doing it but I get caught in the moment.

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This is completely normal. It is easier for some then others just like quitting smoking or dieting. I personally struggled with NC for almost 9 months. I would always resort to contacting her whenever I was sad or drunk. Eventually she stopped responding which was a blessing in disguise.


You will get past this. I don't have any exact advice for you but to tell you that it gets easier. I followed all the advice everyone on here could offer but I still struggled. You will reach a point where it becomes routine to not speak to him and it becomes a piece of cake after that. Try to have some will power but don't beat yourself up if you slip now and then because we all have done it. Good luck to you.

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