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Whats the girls views on this one?


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I work for a maintenance company and I'm going to be working in a shop where I kind of made a fool of myself earlier in the year.


Basically I was attracted to one of the assistants and tried to chat her up. We always talked for ages, and she would sometimes come and find me to talk, but I never really had the balls to ask her out but I gave her my apartment phone number and asked "if she wanted to meet up sometime". Of course she didn't get in touch.


Now I'm going back to the shop as its in my area, and the questions are.......


What do I say to her? Do I just forget the past and be civil? Should I not be as talkative and avoid her at all costs?


Cheers guys for your thoughts on this.

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I understand your situation. It's kind of awkward to be around someone who has blown you off, so to speak. But do you know what I do in uncomfortable situations around people that maybe something awkward happened with at one point? Suck in my breath, then enter the room with a friendly smile and make direct eye contact with the person in question. All the while, keeping that happy smile pasted to my face. Inside, I'm nervous, but this way you get the contact out of the way at once so that everytime you see them you don't have to duck and turn in the opposite direction.


Don't overdo it, but if you go in faking some confidence/assurance, like it never happened, it will go along way to alleviating any remaining awkwardness between the two of you.

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Well considering you don't know why she did not contact you, I would just go about like you did before. There is no shame in handing her your number and her not calling. Since I been in Florida I was given several numbers, and I haven't called any of them, and not of any particular reason.


I would just go in like you used to go in, just pick up where you left off with her.



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Thanks for all your advice, im taking it on board!


I don't know why she didn't call me, DBL. SHe said that "she'd be in touch" when I "sort of asked her out". Its kind of funny though because I thought we got on great, hence the reason I gave her my number.

Maybe she was just shy or its just one of these things where she is too busy in her life? Or maybe I'm too young for her. Its her loss. Though, for some reason, this whole situation has this mad impact on me that usually I'd just forget about.

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  • 2 weeks later...



since you checked out my post I decided to answer yours (although I haven't found the one I wanted about the supposedly embarrassing note to the girl you sent.) In any case, I'd just suggest acting cool about it as others suggested. There's really only 2 options: ignore her & appear immature (like what that guy I liked did at first) or just be civil & friendly, like pretending you forgot about the whole ordeal. and if she mentions it (which I doubt but in case she does) just pretend that you forgot about it and say it's no big deal, don't worry about it. That will work in your favour actually if you still want to get back with her, because it shows you're confident & confidence is a big turn on for a lot of girls (including myself!)


good luck & don't worry about it. I know I'm sorta in a similar situation. The guy I liked ignored me but then I sent him that e-mail and now he's all faking happiness or comfort, and it's really awkward. (also because I'm still really attracted to him, lol..) If you ignore her initially and have to see her again it will just be awkward - I'm telling you from 1st hand experience =)


take care,



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Why didn't you ask for her number instead? I don't usually call guys who give me their number.. I give them mine. That's because sometimes I don't know what to say ( believe it or not) and this way they can call me up and it's on their shoulders.. I know it's not fair.. but oh well.


Next time get her number and call her up. Or if not her.. do it with the next girl.. by the way.. she could have lost the number too..


Have fun

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Losing the number is a major possibility. One guy gave me his number and I only found it yesterday in my locker at work after 2 and a half months. I did go back and grab it from him again though (we're just friends)...but it does happen.


Then again, as Muneca also pointed out, some girls are just NOT good at calling guys. I know that's a double standard but it's the way it is. Maybe exchange numbers if the opportunity comes up again.


I think you should just act like yourself. When you walk in you'll be able to feel the vibe and I think you should just be friendly anyway. It sounds hopeless and not much help, but when you get there the situation will tell you how to act.


Good luck.



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Thanks everyone for your views, much appreciated!


I forgot to mention that I made the situation more awkward by trying to go back to see her in the shop, and ended up leaving a note (the story behind this is too long to post).

I'll take notes of all your help! Cheers!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks folks for your replies, I appreciate it.


It now looks as if I'm going to be working in the shop next week!!! With my Boss too!!! Just hope that he doesn't try to embarrass me in front of her, not that hes likely to, just that he sometimes tries to kid on with me about things (women mostly) and can take it too far!!


Just came as a bit of a shock to me as I thought I'd have until February to prepare seeing her again!

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