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First impressions can be so, so wrong: A happy story!


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Hi all...I had a very positive dating experience last night, and had to share it with my fellow eNotaloners!


I had a blind date with a guy around my age...I have to say, my first impression was that he was kind of goofy looking and isn't my usual "type". Plus, he almost struck me as being gay. I don't mean that in a derogatory way, but he made a lot of gestures, etc. that seemed feminine. (I know there are lots of straight-acting gay people, I honestly have no idea how to express what I mean in a way that gets the point accross without stereotyping).


Anyway, I was prepared to write this off as a "not my type" scenario, but guess what: within twenty minutes, this guy had totally charmed me. I started to think, actually he's kind of cute! He was such a great conversationalist, fun and funny, and most importantly, SMART. I learned a lot about him...he's got tons of interests and is very skilled in so many areas...landscaping, martial arts, art, mechanics...plus, he actually served in combat during the Panama invasion in the late nineties.


Within an hour, I was thinking, "this guy is pretty sexy!" We ended up going to a Halloween corn maze, laughed endlessly through the whole date, and at the end of the date, I was so enamoured, I asked him if he would be my date to a Halloween party. Imagine my surprise when he said "Maybe", and let me think about it for a while! I have to say I was caught off guard...here at the beginning of the date, I was thinking no way is this guy my type. By the end of the date, I'm having an anxiety attack wondering if he would go out with me again!


Then he winked, and said "of course!" So, we're going to a Halloween party tonight, and the best part is he loved my idea of going as an eighties chick, so he's going to dress up as the Wedding Singer! He just called me from the costume shop all excited because he found some cool bracelets and lace gloves for me to wear.




Moral of the story: my first impression of this guy was less than stellar. Today, I have butterflies in my stomach and a spring to my step!


So...give people a chance, folks. They could profoundly surprise you.

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That's great news, Scout!


I totally understand what you mean about first impressions... just in the last couple of years I started to take a look at the guys I would have never thought of before, and as it turns out they have all been way more interesting than what I'm used to dating!


I'll bet you guys are going to have a blast together at the party!

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Well, X-box, I'm hoping that everyone will get a new perspective if they read this - no matter our age or gender.


Anyway, I've seen your picture and followed some of your posts, and I bet there are several girls at your school that would like you! You're a great kid. Now, are you sure you're giving people a chance, too? I bet there have been some girls that liked you that you didn't pay attention to. Give 'em another chance!

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Thanks guys. We had another awesome date last night. We both went as eighties people to a Halloween party, and he was just so much fun. My friends all liked him a lot, he danced the whole night with me, and he was also personable and friendly to everyone else.


You know what else he did? He noticed my brake light was out and got me another one! I am in a state of shock. Could it be...I finally met a truly caring guy???


Please, God, don't let me mess this one up.

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Thanks guys. We had another awesome date last night. We both went as eighties people to a Halloween party, and he was just so much fun. My friends all liked him a lot, he danced the whole night with me, and he was also personable and friendly to everyone else.


You know what else he did? He noticed my brake light was out and got me another one! I am in a state of shock. Could it be...I finally met a truly caring guy???


Please, God, don't let me mess this one up.


Yea, once you find something good grab it by the ball bearing fan and dont let it go


Well, X-box, I'm hoping that everyone will get a new perspective if they read this - no matter our age or gender.


Anyway, I've seen your picture and followed some of your posts, and I bet there are several girls at your school that would like you! You're a great kid. Now, are you sure you're giving people a chance, too? I bet there have been some girls that liked you that you didn't pay attention to. Give 'em another chance!



I'm not actually too sure people here at eNotalone like me...It seems im climbing more down the ladder towards depression each day...Yea i give people a chance but you get 3 chances with me if ure getting to know me...I'm an easy person to piss off




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