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life sucks


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life sucks............and i just cant go on anymore............i just cant do this anymore...........i just cant anymore..............life just isnt for me........people just need to understand that life just isnt for certain people..........when this unworthy body is laid to waste, may my soul remain among the blessed, for, to the utmost of my knowledge, i have wronged nobody.............

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omg people!


youll get over things....time will heal your pain trust me. ive been going trhough rough times, but trust me...life will get easier. and love is an important thing in life. life is all about love, and love is pain sometimes, so that would just make life painful....bbut seriously....time will heal you

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you guys are too obsessed with love, i mean he never mentioned any relationship problems, i know when i get messed up its ussually nothing to do with love, i just feel like theres something wrong with me and i need to find something new.


being depressed is normal its just your brain telling you something needs to change, just ignore anything holding you back and try doing things completely differently youve got nothing to lose right.

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Look guys, I know that life can have its rough times, but that's no reason to end your own lives. I've been suffering from depression, social anxiety, low self-confidence, and probably a few other things that I can't remember at the moment. I have on many occasions in the past considered doing myself in, but they have only been passing thoughts. I would never consider ending my life now. You know why? Two reasons; my family, and myself. Every time I feel low enough to consider ending it all I think of all the people that I'd be devastating if I were to kill myself. I would never do anything to harm my family; these are the people that love me unconditionally, no matter what. I could never forgive myself for doing such a horrible thing to them. And what about myself? Think about all of the experiences that I would be denying myself by ending my life at only 23 years of age. Assuming that I'll live to be at least 80 years old, I'd be throwing away ¾ of my life. That's 60 years of experiences, gone. Experiences and memories are what make life worth living. They help us to learn and to grow. Ending your life would mean denying yourself of so many good times. Besides, how would you like to be remembered, as a person who took the coward's way out, or someone who persevered through tough times to lead a wonderful and rewarding long life? So please, don't do anything foolish. You will get through the tough times and will be glad that you did not take the coward's way out. Trust me, things WILL get better.


Tater_nutz, I don't know what the problem is, but I'm sure things will be all right if you are willing to hold on and brave through whatever may be causing you to feel so very low.


Funkatron, chin up girl, if your boyfriend is treating you badly then let him go. I know it won't be easy, but you have to realize that you deserve much better. No one deserves to be in an abusive relationship. I know it will hurt, there is no denying that, but there will be other guys in your life if you are willing to move on and keep your chin up. Okay? You'll be fine.


Look guys; don't give up so early in life. You'll be denying yourself so much if you do.

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omg people!


youll get over things....time will heal your pain trust me. ive been going trhough rough times, but trust me...life will get easier. and love is an important thing in life. life is all about love, and love is pain sometimes, so that would just make life painful....bbut seriously....time will heal you


that isnt always true mate. not everyone gets that easy way.

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when you realize how much of a permanent solution to a temporary problem suicide is, i hope you will understand that it's not what you really want. you can get through this and you can get back on your feet and things can work out for you, too. i'm not the only one who can beat this suicide thing. just do things to occupy your time for now and before you know it you'll be back on your feet. join a gym or go for walks or something. exercise is good for making your brain feel better. find a hobby. play an instrument. watch some good movies or listen to some good music. write. TALK TO SOMEONE. something, you can do it. if you end your life, you'll never know what could have worked out for you. believe me, w'ere only given this one life and we're going to die anyway, so you might as well try your best to take advantage of your time here. i know things are hard and life does in fact get tough, but you can bounce back. just try not to get lost in your current situation and sadness. don't let your emotions get the best of you. don't drown in this pool of sadness, but lift yourself out of it and take control of those aspects in your life you're unhappy about. it'll be a gradual thing, but you can do it. hey if you ever wanna talk, please email me, i'd love that. take care and hang in there, you can do it. this is your life, no one else's.. this is your life. life is what you make of it. you can do this. just remember youre not alone and were here for you and so are many people in your life. take care and msg me if you want! see ya

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I'm totally with you! Life is f***ed! I've only live 14 years..and hated the last 5-8 from what I can remember!

But suicide won't fix anything! It will only bring grief and s__t like that to those who love you!

There is someone who does... believe me!

I once left a suicide note for my parents but then chickend out... i ofund out how much they really cared for me!

I still hate life..but I don't want it to end just yet.


Just keep on smiling.. it can always get better babe!

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I'm totally with you! Life is f***ed! I've only live 14 years..and hated the last 5-8 from what I can remember!

But suicide won't fix anything! It will only bring grief and s__t like that to those who love you!

There is someone who does... believe me!

I once left a suicide note for my parents but then chickend out... i ofund out how much they really cared for me!

I still hate life..but I don't want it to end just yet.


Just keep on smiling.. it can always get better babe!


I must sayi totally agree with that

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Come on i have just got out of hospital after trying to kill myself and if you want help it is out there you will find it I found it on here a special person helped me see it through and after I spoke to them I phoned up my local hospital and told them how bad i was and they got me a ambulance out to me and the next thing I knew I was in a bed at the hospital having my stomach pumped and after a few days of recovering I started a caurse of tablets and now I get loads of help.


I thought like you but now i feel better and I`m taking it day by day, please find it in yourself to get help from your doctor and also friends


this is NOT just for you friend it`s for EVERYONE whom reads this ok

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What I learned was if it hurts too much to live for yourself, live for someone else until you find meaning in your life again.


I haven't found the meaning of my life, but sometimes I just take it one day at a time, and right now it's pretty good. Sometimes I get depressed and think no one cares about me, which is probably true, but I know if I die people will have to pretend to care...besides, I can't pay for my own funeral and I don't want other people paying for mine.


... well, that's just sometimes. most of the time I remember that at least one person cares... ^^; that's enough for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, he hasn't... but if you look at his previous posts, they're all about his worries about his next door neighbor and whether she likes him or not.


...if he's really killing himself over that. ... is it mean to say I won't stop him?

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hey hang in there....things will get better...your just going through a rough patch...we all feel like that from time to time...try to find someone you can talk to about it....find out what makes you happy...good luck

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I dont think things could possibly get better for me.... My family does NOT love me unconditionally.... my mother is an alcoholic and when I try to talk to her she flips out.. emotionally abuses me... my bf emotionally abuses me... apparently we broke up now but he wants to work things out...Like I need my mother drinking and emotionally abusing me at a time like this....


If we end up permanently breaking up I will never want to be in love again.. I will never allow myself to get close to anyone...I will never trust that anyone would want to actually be with me forever and marry me....

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I know you don't believe me... but...


You're definitely not having it the worst.



You think you're having it bad. =/ When I was your age I was abused day in and day out, and I went to a school where I keep seeing people killing themselves IN THE SCHOOL because no one gives a damn. Everyone better all die off so the remaining 30% can go to high school. People just go to the back of the room or the restroom and take a knife and slit their wrists. Maaaybe a few of their friends will cry over it and ask them to stop or whatever. The rest of us just kind of stare and walk away. ...and to think everyone in my class, including the ones constantly killing themselves were all out to abuse me. AND I have abusive parents. I had to walk to school.. the road trip is 20 minutes, but I always take 40 minutes to complete it. I had to walk really slow because although I was still alone when I was walking, it was the only 80 minutes in my everyday that I could rest and not worry about being hurt.


...never for one second did I think I have it the worst. I had it bad, and I can say for certain that what I went through is a lot worse than what you're going through now... but I know there's still tons of ppl going through worse stages in life.


You know, not having a boyfriend isn't a big deal. Parent's are abusive is fairly common. Friends don't just pop out of no where, you have to make them. Teachers and classmates are abusing you? Put up with it, you're not going to be there for more than 4 years anyways.


...you're definitely not alone in whatever situation you're in. Think about the people in Iraq... going through searches and bombs... go look up pictures of babies and little kids with skins burned off them and half of their face blown off... they're still holding on in life. You have more than what they have.

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why not ReadyorNot


Im not exactly sure what you are asking why too......


Im sick of being in love and being treated like crap.. this guy says he loves me more then anything and thats why he has stuck around all these years when Im apparently such a B to him.... I can tell he loves me.. I am a B sometimes.... When things seem to get really really really good he does something to make us get into a fight and then he goes on for a few weeks how he doesnt know if we should be together and then in a few cases (including this one) he breaks up with me but tells me not to worry.. we will try to work it out.... I cant hack this!!!!!! I have no right to call him anymore.. I just sit around waiting for him to call me.. I dont have any friends anymore (lost them all cause I just wanted to spend time with him)...


My mother gets drunk quite regularily and harasses me if I am here.. of course I am here now cause my bf broke up with me.... I use to always goto his house when my mom was drunk... When I was 17 through 21 she would blast music all night and if I asked her to turn it down cause I was studying for an exam or sleeping she would lay into me.. she would harass me and then find a reason to start hurting me.... My most current bf (well ex now) is who finally got her to stop hurting me.. now she just emotionally hurts me... I have a handicapped brother who cant help himself and he is unhappy in teh group home he is in so hehas been hitting people.. he has been in a detention centre twice for two weeks each in the last two months.. and today we get a call that he beat the crap out of the same person and he is now in big trouble.... He really cant help it.. but since he is a huge guy.... he really hurt the girl....I guess I know what my mom will be doing today... She cant handle stress....


My dad died 13 years ago... On our Christmas Vacation in Florida....I just wish I had him around.. I would have gone to live with him years ago... I have no one to protect me... I loved my dad so much but I remember never hugging or kissing him...He was so good to me.. I was daddys little girl.....


My bf (ex) and I went to Florida this past June.... we drove to the city where my dad passed away... we drove past there almost every day.... Brought back ALOT of memories and I felt really close to my dad being down there.... My bf was so great and comforting...


When I was in public school I had alot of bf's.. btu they are just silly bf's... In grade 8 I had one for 6 months and we kissed and I felt him over his clothes.... but in Grade 10 I met a guy and was with him from 1995 to 1999..... then I met my current bf(ex) 8 months later and have been with him ever since....


I thought both of these long relationships were going to be my last.. meaning the guy I was going to marry... I got over the first one when I met my most current one.. and I really thought we were going to be married.. he proposed to me with a ring (small one) two months after I met him... I said I would wear it on the right hand for now.. he asked for a whole year for me to change fingers... About two years ago he put a HUGE ring for me on layaway.. and then he took it off layaway with only $200 more to pay last October cause we broke up.... but that only lasted 1month but we decided he couldnt afford to put it back on layaway cause he had gotten his own place (was living with me and my mom...Im sure he only got out cause of my moms drinking)... things have been great this past year.. a few ups and downs... but every relationship has those... sometimes my bf would admitt that all relationships are like that.. and alot of girls are like me (being a B sometimes)... HE woudl say that he loves me more then anythin and I was the hottest girl ever...


So now... I doubt its really over.. but we wont get back on track until he has put me through heck for at least a month... who knows.. maybe he will meet someone now that he is going out alot with friends....


Ive been hurt by two guys who I thought were the one... I cant keep spending 4 years + with guys for them to just break my heart... I wont do it... How will I ever allow myself to fall in love.. I have no desire... They will just hurt me like the rest.. Its obviously me pushing them away... Every single day I will fear that today is the day he will tell me its over... Even if we manage to get married... I will fear him leaving...


Hopefully I answered your why question.....

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Hey man,


I dont know your situation but i mean suicide isn't were you need to go i mean even though you may think that youve gotn nothin else left theres always somthin i mean i thought i was alone with no where to turn but i had people that tried to talk to me and i wouldnt listen suicide is a stupid thing although some cases may have nothin left but that most dont most have people who care about them and they dont even know it just think about it before you do somthin stupid.

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You did. and i'm sorry about your dad. your ex sounds like he was a great guy. Don't you think there might be someone else out there for you.


Im sure there is... When these problems first started I thought to myself that I didnt care because I could go out and find someone 10 times better then him and I would be way happier.. but I love him and I dont want to lose him... I just hate him pulling these little stunts...


Friday night he said we were gonna hang on Saturday for a bit then he would be going out... well I said I was working... what about after I get off work for a bit... he said he would stop by in the morning... HE fell asleep.. I kissed him and said that I loved him and he said back "I love you too babydoll" (this is after he said that we did break up).. then I left... he never showed up or called at all yesterday...


I reminded him Friday night that Sunday was his dads bday and that I had gotten him a card for us to give to him... I assumed I would be seeing him today.. where is he now?? NO call.. no sign of him



IF he wanted to break up he would just get outof my life and we wouldnt speak anymore...He wouldnt call, he wouldnt take me out on a date.. he wouldnt tell me he loves me and he wouldnt kiss me...


I honestly would rather not be here anymore then have to deal with this pain.. this is what is going to happen to me for the rest of my life.. whether its with this guy.. or a new guy....

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