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So tired of this...


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I've been trying to meet more girls at my college lately and it's like none of them never want to have anything to do with me. I try to be friendly and generous to them but I can just never even make it to that friends level with any girl here. I'm only 5'6" so it kind of sucks being a little shorter than a lot of guys. I'm just so tired of never even being able to make friends with any girls here. I feel so left out of everything since I've never even partied or anything like that and it's my second year of college now. I just want to be a little more connected with people around here but I cannot seem to do it. Maybe I'm just not outgoing enough. I mean I am a little shy by nature but lately I've become a little more outgoing. But I still tend to be a little shy. What is it that I need to improve on? I know confidence is a big one and I have been working on that a lot. I feel a lot more confident anytime I go up and meet a woman but maybe there's a different way that you should do it for people in my age group. I don't know. I'm just throwing out suggestions.

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Caldus, you've posted several threads of the same topic. At this point, I need some more details so that I maybe I can give you more specific advice. You say you're tired of striking out, so I am assuming you are making lots of overtures. Tell us about a few of them. Maybe if we know exactly what you are doing, we could be of more help.


Being 5"6 does not prevent someone from getting a date. Ok? There has to be something else you aren't doing/or are doing that you shouldn't. Also, what kind of girls do you like?

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Caldus, at THIS point I would say that your focus is in the wrong place. If it's not working out right now, then move on to something else. If you keep focusing on trying to meet and/or hook up with girls, and it's causing so much stress, it's probably not the best use of your time. ESPECIALLY since you're trying to make it through college.

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I agree with PAdreamer, you need to stop looking for a relationship becuase it creates alot of tension, we pick up on these things you see. When talking to a girl, make a joke of something or say something light hearted but don't stick around for too long, have a quick chat then go off to do something else or to talk to someone else. Don't ask a girl out straight away, get to know her, have a laugh together. Try to talk to all sorts of people, not just girls you are attracted to, anyone who looks friendly


Hope this is a bit of help, good luck, be natural, be yourself.

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I agree with PAdreamer, you need to stop looking for a relationship becuase it creates alot of tension, we pick up on these things you see. When talking to a girl, make a joke of something or say something light hearted but don't stick around for too long, have a quick chat then go off to do something else or to talk to someone else. Don't ask a girl out straight away, get to know her, have a laugh together. Try to talk to all sorts of people, not just girls you are attracted to, anyone who looks friendly


Hope this is a bit of help, good luck, be natural, be yourself.


That's exactly what I do. I just try to keep the conversation short and light and just be friendly with people in general. I am not nearly as 'desperate' for a girlfriend as I used to be, trust me. More than anything I just want to experience the college life like everyone else here seems to be. I just want to be a part of my college and be connected with people here. I guess it just has to do with the fact that I still look like I'm 16.

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Perhaps don't try to target these girls, try to target people in general. As your social network expands, you will meet lots of new people, and especially girls. The more people that know you exist, the greater your chances.

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