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This also is not a poem


I decided today like yesterday and the day before

Not to commit suicide today or tomorrow or any day after

Good to feel like I know

How I will feel about it later


I wish I could reach into every one of you

Make you know what I know

About life and truth

I am deluded enough

To imagine my knowledge is valuable

(Although I have not converted it into everlasting joy)

But I have to erase myself again from formal memory


This forum is not for me

After all

Because I cannot be consoled

My solitude is ineffable

I am alone and you all have helped prove that

I can only thank you

You will know how I feel one day

One day all of you will join my forum

Every word silenced





This forum is for the heartbroken



And advice is tolerated

Only from those who show no evidence of fault

Like Jesus

They have no sin

Or they are too young to have sinned

To have had relevant, first-hand experience

To have looked their own failings in the face

And told the truth to themselves

About what they see


I am vulnerable

I have made many mistakes

My mistakes include loving the wrong people too much


Leaving at the wrong time

Not committing

Caring too much about the tears of a lover

Not caring enough

Being too slow

Too fast

Favoring a dishonest lover over an honest friend


thereforeeee you are best advised

To ignore my advice


My mistakes do not include taking drugs

If anyone thought that based on what I wrote

They display an inability to read and think critically

Not my fault


Some of you young people will finally know one day

What it is to have made really bad decisions

Based on your best intentions and understanding

To have the consequences chase you until you collapse in the street

And understand that life is not fair

God's perfect plan for us is beyond our feeble ability to comprehend or appreciate


Goodbye again

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I would look into anti depressants if I were you. They wont make the money situation go away, but you could maybe worry about it less. It seems like you have trouble restraining yourself and do what you can to make your life interesting at the moment, but then you end up paying for the problem later and you don't seem to learn the lesson of the moment until it is too late.


If you are already depressed I don't think the marijuana is going to help at all. That can make you even more risky.


Are you seeking therapy as an outlet?

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Hi dirtbubble...glad you came back.


I agree with the above reply. Therapy and antidepressants may be a good first step. All your other issues will be impossible to deal with until you get a grip on the depression.


I'm sorry if I offended you in your last thread, regarding the victim thing. It was only meant as an observation, not like I was pointing the finger and saying "Oh, stop whining". Ok?


Please write again and feel free to PM me.

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Hello there Bubble!


You say you are having some money troubles...if you owe a lot of money...maybe going to a creditor who can consolidate all your debts into an affordable monthly payment, might help. My husband did that and it has helped him out a lot. And if the debt ratio is so bad....maybe bankruptcy? You don't have to do this at all...but it would help your financial troubles. And then you could afford rent and all the cool stuff...have some extra money for yourself...that is if your debt is all credit cards and loans and such.


It's just an idea is all...





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This also is not a poem


I decided today like yesterday and the day before

Not to commit suicide today or tomorrow or any day after

Good to feel like I know

How I will feel about it later


I wish I could reach into every one of you

Make you know what I know

About life and truth

I am deluded enough

To imagine my knowledge is valuable

(Although I have not converted it into everlasting joy)

But I have to erase myself again from formal memory


This forum is not for me

After all

Because I cannot be consoled

My solitude is ineffable

I am alone and you all have helped prove that

I can only thank you

You will know how I feel one day

One day all of you will join my forum

Every word silenced





This forum is for the heartbroken



And advice is tolerated

Only from those who show no evidence of fault

Like Jesus

They have no sin

Or they are too young to have sinned

To have had relevant, first-hand experience

To have looked their own failings in the face

And told the truth to themselves

About what they see


I am vulnerable

I have made many mistakes

My mistakes include loving the wrong people too much


Leaving at the wrong time

Not committing

Caring too much about the tears of a lover

Not caring enough

Being too slow

Too fast

Favoring a dishonest lover over an honest friend


thereforeeee you are best advised

To ignore my advice


My mistakes do not include taking drugs

If anyone thought that based on what I wrote

They display an inability to read and think critically

Not my fault


Some of you young people will finally know one day

What it is to have made really bad decisions

Based on your best intentions and understanding

To have the consequences chase you until you collapse in the street

And understand that life is not fair

God's perfect plan for us is beyond our feeble ability to comprehend or appreciate


Goodbye again

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