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Pregnant men? Are you ok with this?


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Well the movie is coming to life, read the full story here...


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Personally, I think this whole experiment is a big wastes of time, energy and resources. Why do men need the ability to have children when we have plenty of women that can do it already. If it's a gay marriage or a fertility issue, why can't they just adopt one of the many homeless children already out there. Why are they wasting so much time, energy and money on this when we have bigger medical problems like HIV, Cancer and the common cold. I am not morally against this experiment but I am ethically against this waste of scientific energy. They should be putting there PHd's to better use then wasting there time giving the other half of the world the ability to make babies when most countries are over populated already.


Your opinion?


Edit I forgot to add this, Depending on what you read about this it may or may not be a hoax but either way I stand behind my opinions stated here.

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I don't think it's a "gay thing" to do at all. If we're able to make men carry babies, why not? It not only will benefit gay couples who want their own babies, MTF people who wish to be a female, it'll also benefit people like me who really really really really really don't want to carry babies, but have bfs who need/want babies. Sure I know bf won't carry a baby since he's the type who doesn't want to be associated with anything unmanly other than cleaning the house, but... *smirk* I can nudge the idea into him if it's available...

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it'll also benefit people like me who really really really really really don't want to carry babies, but have bfs who need/want babies.


Adopt then!!!!! There are plenty of parentless children out there that need a good home, why would you want to make another baby and add to our population and homeless problems?

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If man happens to want to carry a baby and its scientifically possible then let him. Its his decision to do so and that guy has rationalized it to themself. I dont feel that its should be labled a gay non heterosexual issue, people have very strong beliefs about sexuality instead lets look at the matter at hand which is male pregnancy. I am sure that there are guys out there that would consider doing this, just because you dont like something doesnt mean its not going to be done.

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it'll also benefit people like me who really really really really really don't want to carry babies, but have bfs who need/want babies.


Adopt then!!!!! There are plenty of parentless children out there that need a good home, why would you want to make another baby and add to our population and homeless problems?


We can't. He needs a son related to him by blood. His family's those...big families with those head of the household systems. He's the next in line, so he needs a son related to him. (I have no idea why normal families will have those weird systems, but I guess every family's different.)


If it's possible I'd sooo be adopting. I'm thinking I'll just have the son, and adopt a baby girl. (I don't really want babies, but if I'm having them they better come in pairs...)



.. I don't know, I give up. I always thought we live in rather civilized world with modern ideas and we strive for equality with no discrimination. Obviously I was wrong. Some people will never stop discriminating against others.Some heterosexuals will never stop discriminating against gay people. One day, when you, J, have children or grandchildren who are asexual or homosexual, you will understand that sexual preference is not a choice. Sexual preferences are something you are born with.

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Now to get back on to topic; I find it highly unlikely that this is fact. The human fetus requires gads of nutrition and genetic information from the mother during development and doesn't "secrete it's own hormones". I'd take a long look at this before accepting it as fact.


Love you all! Even J.

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link removed, but it's still an interesting idea in principle.


Personally I wouldn't want a baby inside me. I can see situations where it might be beneficial, but I'm not sure about the idea as a whole. Men aren't designed to have babies, both physically and mentally.


I'm all for equality, but being equal doesn't mean you have to be the same. Women are designed to have babies and men aren't, and if saying that makes me a sexist / homophobe then so be it.

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I agree this rates up there with spending millions on learning the sex life of a toad from .. who gives a rats ######. This is totally stupid and a waste of effort and money. I mean WHY reasearch this.... I was always taught don ttry to fix something that already work, and unless i'm wrong the best way to bring a child in this world is a still a woman.... can that process be improved on.. I think not........ dang

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think its a pretty dumb idea ..... its interesting but why? just like said in other posts - why not adopt a child? but here is the thing..... some families may feel strange and uncomfortable about not having their own child... just because its not theirs... and they would want something that is a part of themselves..... IF the woman CANNOT have a baby... maybe the man would consider it? That would be the best reason to do it in my opinion..... taking into mind that some woman cant have babies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

umm....half of the population can already create new life, and that with the help of a man...whats the harm in adopting a child?

women were created to carry babies...i cant imagine how they could make a male pregnant...for instance where the hell is he gonna give birth?!

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