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really worried! plz help


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hi, i went to a party last night and was touched down below for the first time, im scared he may have had cum on his hands, i dnt know if he did because we werent going near there on him, but what if he was masturbating before he touched me. can i get pregnant? help im really scared, also there was a tad bit of blood, only a little bit, is that normal?

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Um... I don't know where crazycat has been getting his/her information from but you can't get a STD from someone's hand (spaggle said that there wasn't any contact with his genitals).


You are not pregnant. Don't even concern yourself with the possiblity. Sperm dies on contact with the air so even if he had of masturbated before hand (and not washed his hands - ew!), and then touched you, the chance of you getting pregnant is tiny and slight at best.

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I wouldnt worry about it. Its unlikely he had any sperm on his hands. If every girl got this paranoid this forum would be full of "I think im pregnant" threads. I don't know of a story where a girl got pregnant from being fingered due to the guy having traces of sperm left on his fingers.


As for the blood. Start/end of period? He might of accidently scratched the inside of your vagina causing a little bleeding? Im sure its fine.

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Agreed then. Don't worry about it. What I would suggest you do, is go to the library and get a book or two (you can sometimes find it in medical books, like the human body etc.) to educate yourself about sex. Since you are starting to wake up to all the possibilities, you can't go and worry yourself sick everytime you try something new.


I've been there. When I was 15 (way back when) I thought you get pregnant through your navel....... You might be more informed than this by the looks of things, but do educate yourself a bit!


here's a few sites to get you started.


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have fun!

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ok, guys im sorry but im still really worried, i get paranoid like this, but my worst fear is being pregnant, and this thing was with a guy tht i only just know. what can i do to find out? i cant really get a pregnancy test but what else can i do? i know its only oral but (eww) it was pretty deep, and rather painful.

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huh? no a guy fingered me and im worried he had traces of sperm on his fingers, so im worried im pregnant,. im sorry if im really paranoid its just i am totally new to this, if anyone was wondering i am old enough to be doing this lol, but it is so unlike me to be doing stuff, im not really the sort.. i blame alcohol. bloody hell im so stupid. o well i suppose i can only learn, i just hope im not pregnant

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i have been researching and it says u can get pregnant from it. o poo its silly, coz i dnt even know if he had anything on his fingers i know i didnt go anywhere near there....as im scared of cum....but thts another story. o my god im never doing anything sexual again! plz plz give more input, like if any of u have ever been fingered in the same situation etc. plz help im practically dying here, PLZZZ

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the chances of him having active sperm on his hands from masterbation earlier are next to zero. i dont think you should worry at all unless you seen him with a huge wad of sperm on his hands putting it into you wihch im sure isnt the case. someone posted sites you can read about. you just need to sit down relax. i can bet alot of money you are not pregnant.

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Sperm can only live outside of the body for a very short amount of time. Even if he did have cum on his hands from earlier, the sperm most likely died.


You can't get an std from a hand, so unless you guys had sex or something, then I doubt you have an std. How well do you know this guy? Do you know if he has been with many girls?


The blood might have been your hymen breaking. You said it was your first time being touched down there, so its normal to bleed a little. You have heard of some girls bleeding a little when they have sex for the first time right? Well, its basically the same thing, nothing to worry about. Don't worry, as long as you didn't have actual sex with him, you are still a virgin. Breaking your hymen has nothing to do with your virginity.


When is your next period supposed to come? If you can't take a pregnancy test, then I think the only thing to do is wait for your period. However, if you are stressing out because you think you are pregnant, that could cause your period to be late. So just try to relax a little. Your chances of being pregnant are very very slim.

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it will be difficult to tell with my periods because they are extremely random. I knew the guy through a friend but never actually properly met him until last night, we were both extremely drunk, but i stopped it before it went any further. i remember now that he was touching my body before he touched down there so i suppse i would have felt it on his hands then, also it would have probably rubbed of on my body before he touched my vagina. hmmm im still paranoid but ill just have to get over it. how long do u have to wait before using a pregnancy test(if i can get one)? or should i just take a morning after pill just in case(if i can get one)?- just hope my parents dont find out.

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Well the morning after pill only works if taken within 72 hours. So I guess it depends on when this happened.


Did he cum while you were with him, or are you just worried about him masterbating hours before you got with him? If he didn't cum while he was with you, then he most likely didn't have cum on his hands. If he masterbated before he was with you, then chances are he cleaned up after words. I don't think guys would go without washing their hands after doing something like that, it makes quite the mess.

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