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what do shy guys do when they like you?


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As a shy guy myself, here are some things I noticed that I do indirectly when I like girl:


I find myself around her a lot, we find every opportunity we can to meet up with them and always try to make it look coincidential. I also noticed that I smile a lot at anything she says, and try to avoid eye contact for some weird reason. I would also look at her a lot but look away shen she notices and pretend never to have looked at her at all

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As a shy guy myself, here are some things I noticed that I do indirectly when I like girl:


I find myself around her a lot, we find every opportunity we can to meet up with them and always try to make it look coincidential. I also noticed that I smile a lot at anything she says, and try to avoid eye contact for some weird reason. I would also look at her a lot but look away shen she notices and pretend never to have looked at her at all


I second that. I find myself doing the exact same things too. I guess that's the shy guy's universal signal set.


What subtle signals would you send out so she can know that you like her presense?


I'm not really sure about the kinds of signals that I would send out. A lot of that stuff is sub-conscious, so you don't really notice yourself sending them at all. There have been some times though that I have caught myself doing things that I think could be seen as signals of interest.


If you're just in the same room as him (not conversing):


If you see a guy who can't keep his eyes off of you but as soon as you look at him he looks away or looks down to the floor, trust me, that's a sure fire sign that he likes you. He's just nervous. Go up and talk to him, you'll most definitely make his day, week, month, year, decade, etc…


While conversing:


If you give him a big smile and his face lights up and he gives a big smile back, bingo, he likes you. (I read about that one somewhere, but I've caught myself doing it too.)


Hmmmm…… sorry, but I can't think of anything else right now. Like I said, these kinds of things are usually done sub-consciously.

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depends how shy. REALLY shy guys don't do anything. avoid eye contact, don't say anything.


the only moderately shy gus will try to spend some time with you in a friendly way, but won't clearly show you that he likes you. he'll just probably drop a few subtle hints here and there.

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I'm also very shy but I don't avoid eye-contact on the contrary.I will

keep a lot of eye-contact with a girl I'm attracted to but I'll never dare to tell her I like her.Like if I hoped she would make the first move or something.Or waiting for the right moment over and over again...

(which of course never comes)

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definitely.....I always regret it after passing up a chance, even though, that chance was the perfect time to say something.


I also NEVER pick up the signals that the girl is giving, even though everyone else in the room is pointing to me that she is. don't know why, I can do calculus, play sports, chat to friends for ages, but just always miss that all important signal!!!


So you have to make it obvious....if you don't want to do that, then just tell him.


Also, if I do realise that a girl likes me, I always wait and hope that she will make the first move, proving to me that she isn't the type to reject me, which is the primary reason behind being shy.


hope that helps....I know I need it!!

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before my ex and i started dating he was so shy he would try to avoid looking at me. he even ran into a wall once (no joke) because he was looking straight down at the ground while going to class. geez, the first month we dated he hardly said a word. i had to initiate EVERYTHING. then after three months he couldn't keep quiet.

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