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Need some help writing/choosing an inscription in a book for my boyfriend?


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I just bought a book about Machiavelli that my best friend, now boyfriend, has been after for ages. I'm giving it as a gift (for no particular reason), and trying to think of a good inscription. We've only been 'officially' dating for a few weeks, and the book IS about Machiavelli- so I feel as if anything too lovey-dovely/mushy is out of the question. I also want it to be relevant to the subject of the book to some degree, but nice as well, being a gift for my boyfriend. Here's what I came up with:


Dear -----,


1) Let us remember that where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great.




2) Truly, it is better to be loved than feared.




Myself (haha)


So... 1) refers to some of the issues we've dealt with going from close friends to boyfriend/girlfriend, especially that he has wanted to date me for years and only recently realized how much I felt for him. Also, that any difficulties we have can be overcome if we are willing. But I'm not sure if it's maybe a bit too cold/scholarly as a gift for a boyfriend. I like 2), especially because he does make me feel VERY loved (my past boyfriends did the opposite), but we haven't yet gotten to the 'I love you' stage, so I'm not sure whether it's going too far in that respect. Is it innocent enough to write in a book after dating for less than a month, or does it imply that I'm seriously in love? (He would love it though, no worries about it scaring him away- it's more about me taking relationships very slowly).


What do you guys think? I like the second one, but is it appropriate? Any other ideas/tips?



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