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just wondering......


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okay, me and my b/f had a pregnancy scare not so long ago...and we were so happy that i wasn't...that we never really thought about how we would feel if i was...


so just wondering, how do young couples feel when they have a pregnancy scare and the test is positive?! like....what would you do?! scared?! happy?! sad?! mad?!


just a question...

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Well Thin, it really depends on the situaiton in which the pregnancy takes place right? I'm guessing the quesiton your really asking is "How would you react if you were in my shoes if I was pregnate?"


Well I odn't really know your situaiton, but in general teen pregnacy is a very scary thing. Most kids who get pregnat are in situations which don't offer them much support such as living on the street, drugs, bad family and so forth.


Of course not every pregnate teen is from a difficult background. But getting pregnate is a very real risk of having sex. You were lucky this time. Trust me, I've been there. It's not the place you want to go. All you can do is be safe, hopefully this near miss will open your eyes. Get onto birth control, use condoms and better your chances.


Not only will having a baby right now drastically affect your life, what kind of life can you give your child right now? Just be careful eh?

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For myself... if I find out I'm pregnant before I get married, I'd be extremely embarrassed and ashamed. I'll probably get an abortion before anyone finds out I'm pregnant.


If I find out I'm randomly pregnant after I get married, but before my boyfriend comes back to me, I'd have the baby, and put the baby up for adoption.


If I'm randomly pregnant after I get married and after he comes back to me... oh, well, baby, whatever, keep it.


... as of my boyfriend... he's choice is probably scared and happy and.. keep the baby, keep the baby, keep the baby... he's catholic and he doesn't believe in abortion, so I told him it's his responsibility to keep me from needing an abortion.


... besides, he loves babies and wants his own babies... when I love other people's babies and don't want my own babies...

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I was terrified..... my bf was terrified until I told him the test was positive.. then he seemed to completely take control. He told me we would tell teh family AFTER the christmas holidays (it was the first xmas in a few years where my mom wasnt being an alcoholic)..... my bf was so sweet... rubbing my stomach and saying sweet stuff (example "Goodnight you two, I love you both")


After Christmas I freaked out and decided I couldnt have the baby.... my bf said he was by my side whatever I CHOSE to do. He was so great through it all.. and it makes me happy to remember how excited he was about it all....


Only now he says he doesnt know if he ever wants kids... he couldnt care less... Im wondering if there was more to the abortion then what I knew.. maybe he was against it and didnt want me to have it, but just wanted to be supportive....

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  • 4 weeks later...

erm...i hope u girls dun mind a guy here posting reply....


i too had this problem....

we told our parents....and..everthing wasn't somooth...

depends how mature u guys & gurls are.....

if not....

u'll might b like me now....

in the state of misseries....

when everthing is over.....

i think i'll hav to think twice ...

on should i or should i not stay with her....


after aboartion.....we hav a new problem....

i bought condoms...but i forgot to bring...

i was planning to bring her out for dinner but...as when i went to her house...she was sleeping..i tried to wake her up but...

ish.....she dun wan to and she grabb me and we started making....touches n kisses...

in the end we did it....


so to come to my point....

my GF thinks she's pregnat AGAIN! after the aboartion!whish is 3 WEEKS AGO!!.. >.

i really dunno wat to do!!


i need girls to help me now....


the signs(reasons that she think's shes pregnat.)

-stomach upset...for the whole day.(she had this when shes pregnat.

- lost of appetite...


i'm desparate for help...

pls kindly reply to me at email removed

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Well right now im really scared i dont know if you read my post probably u didnt its ~~~>(please help) but everyhting thats going on right now is there. Im really scared because im only seventeen i dont work nor does my b/f. My mom lets me go out and do thing that i like doing thats y i feel really bad. My dad man my dad is a whole different story thats y iam just praying to god that im not because my dad is really mean and strict with us good thing my parents are divorce. But if u want to know how i feel really really bad, today ima go buy the test and hopefully i get the same luck u got when u had your doubts wish me luck



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