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Hey. I'm a twenty six year old male who's worked for the same company for seven years. In those seven years I've obtained my AA and am currently in the process of getting my BFA. My old supe left, I was next in line to get bumped up. They never asked me, and promoted the chick beneath me (3yrs GED) Now the site I'm at offered her a gig, and now they're talking about promoting this guy who hasn't even been here a year over me. I feel I have no option but to quit. Feel like my youth is dying here, I'm depressed from it, I'm playing by the rules and getting looked over constantly. Any advice would be good.

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Before you do anything, make sure to request a meeting with the person who made the promotion decision and ask them why they chose someone else rather than you, in an non-defensive or aggressive manner. tell them you would like to know because you want to improve yourself and your performance such that you can advance in your career and be qualified to be promoted.


If they get really squeamish and uncomfortable and are not open with you, you have your answer that either they are not being fair in their choices or the choices are based on politics you can't fight, but they may surprise you and give you specific reasons like, 'we need someone with more people skills' or 'we need someone who is experienced in x, y, or z'. if you are indeed lacking the skills/attributes they mention, then you can try to work on them or obtain the things they see you as lacking.


But the reality is that length of time you are at a company does not guarantee promotions. There are so many factors that go into those choices, that often they will even bring someone new in from the outside rather than hire from within if they think they need fresh ideas or the pool they have isn't what they are looking for in a higher level. So just 'existing' in a job isn't sufficient, you must do something that distinguishes yourself or shows them something about themselves that makes them feel you are a good choice. It is perfectly acceptable to ask a superior what things you would need to learn/do/be in order to get a promotion. But sadly that doesn't mean you'll get one.


If you ask them what you are lacking that you need to have to go to the next level and they don't respond well to that, then you know you probably are not viewed well at that company, and should make a change to a different company/job.

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"Feel like my youth is dying here, I'm depressed from it, I'm playing by the rules and getting looked over constantly."


do you have money saved up? can you afford to just give your two weeks notice?


regardless, I'd start looking for a new job.


I'm sorry you feel that way. That's no way to go to work everyday!

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You have been at your job since you were pretty young. They may still view you in that way.


Instead of asking them why you didn't get the job, first go to them and let them know you are interested in the job. Be positive, not whiney or bitter. List all of your accomplishments, your time management skills, your people management skills, ways you have saved the company money, your vision for the future, successful projects you have headed, etc. All things you would essentially do for any job interview.


Then if you don't get the job and the other guy does, then is the time for you to ask where you can improve. Again, in a positive and not bitter way.


My sister also worked somewhere since she was 18. They always viewed her as this young and inexperienced thing 7 years later, so eventually she had to go elsewhere where they viewed her as she really was - talented and experienced.


Sometimes it is tough to break someone's perception.

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I've been very patient. My job doesn't have a traditional structure. Management only talks to specific employees. So, I know it's politics because they don't communicate with all of us. But, I feel I've kept a positive attitude long enough, been patient, paid my dues over and over (worked through holidays, worked with a doctors note telling me not to go to work, stayed cool in the face of blatant discrimination, etc.) Just struggling to find something new, cause I want to work...just in a rough spot right now.

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I've been very patient. My job doesn't have a traditional structure. Management only talks to specific employees. So, I know it's politics because they don't communicate with all of us. But, I feel I've kept a positive attitude long enough, been patient, paid my dues over and over (worked through holidays, worked with a doctors note telling me not to go to work, stayed cool in the face of blatant discrimination, etc.) Just struggling to find something new, cause I want to work...just in a rough spot right now.


Then it is probably time for you to get your resume together and look elsewhere for a fresh start where you will be appreciated for the hard work and skills you have.


My sister has done quite well in the years since she broke free of that first place- but don't burn your bridges, because they might want to woo you back in the future.

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