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OMG- he posts our breakup on Facebook while we are still discussing it


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I met a guy online, we got on really well, he did say he was an "occassional" smoker, which was bending the truth, but all in all it was good.

He said something really stupid last night, and it really hurt my feelings, so I went home.

We started to talk about it this morning, and he bought other things up & things escalated to him asking me if I was breaking up with him.

I had my Facebook open & before I could answer, he had put a status up that he had just been dumped. I was gob smacked.

Now we arent teenagers, I am 50 & he is 44.

What an absolute drama queen.

I am still amazed & actually laughing about it now.... a 44 year old man acting like a 15 year old girl.

If I had any romantic feelings for him, they were squashed in that instant.

It is well & truly over

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Yeah, sounds a bit crazy to me. I don't understand why people put details of their personal lives on facebook for everyone to see anyway. It's called a personal life for a reason. Are people really that lonely/bored/isolated/narcissistic or whatever it is that drives that kind of behavior? Strikes me as a really odd thing to do.

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I actually commented on his post telling him certain things should be kept private while they are still in discussion mode.


I cant remember what he said, then i said that he had watched way too much reality tv, and not every thing is for everyone else's perusal.


I just blocked him so I am not sure of his pity party is still going on

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So you don't care about him then, i guess 1 status update was enough for you to actually break up with him. In reality he was in the right to post that he was being dumped because you dumped him anyways.


I didnt break up with him over the status update.....he asked me if it was over & before I could answer he had posted that, so technically he broke up with me!!!

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So you don't care about him then, i guess 1 status update was enough for you to actually break up with him. In reality he was in the right to post that he was being dumped because you dumped him anyways.


When two people are in a relationship, it's disrespectful to broadcast the details of it to the public without the other parties consent. He was being very immature and showing disregard for her feelings in doing that. Not to mention extremely poor communication on his part. It was nothing other than childish on his part.

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We were trying to work out some things that had happened, there was no talk of breaking up before he asked me if I was dumping him.

Literally before I had time to answer "no, of course not, we are trying to work this out" he posted the FB status.

Once that was out in the world why would I want to be with someone so immature?

Maybe he wanted to break up with me, and was too cowardly to tell me, so did that so it made me out to be the bad person?

Who knows????

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I get the feeling he did it to be smart, that in actual fact he was dumping you. He questioned "Are you dumping me?" like pleassse dump me, and before you could answer he wrote it on face book.


It does sound like he dumped you.


Haha, exactly what I said....

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Most of us get over-emotional at times and throw our toys out of the pram. So I don't think acting like a teenager now and again is necessarily a problem (I seem to remember doing it a few weeks ago)...but doing it in public?? That'd be the issue for me here.


Sure, both of you might talk to one or two very close friends in detail about the break-up, because everybody needs support at times like that, but him implicitly seeking the endorsement of all his Facebook friends that he was the hard-done-by one is just childish, in a bad way.


So yeah, bullet dodged, probably!

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  • 4 weeks later...
I think this is an awful lot of chatter over something he did online. He's a loser now? Immature? Has abandonment issues? All because he updated FB with a silly "I've been dumped" status?


True, reading too much about his personality into a single FB post is excessive. But, I think the fact that he would unilaterally stick details of the relationship up on FB does suggest a lack of respect. We all know that our current, past and prospective partners discuss us with their closest friends. But discussing us with (possibly) hundreds of people, many of whom they barely know?

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