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A bad day.

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Just had to run to the bathroom at work. To burst into tears.


I know it's been three months. And I know it's a pathetic reaction. But seeing them together at work doing the things we used to do; laughing, joking, being happy...I thought I was doing ok.


A bad day, folks. A very bad day.

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So sorry to hear, InnerApple...it sounds like you all work together, which is doubly hard. Stay strong, step outside for a bit to clear your head, and don't worry about crying in the restroom...we have all been there before. Hope it gets better!!!

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awww it must be hard having to see them together every day I can't imagine having to do that. Don't let them get to you.... stay strong and like you did if you have to sneak off to the bathroom and let it out. you are stronger than me... I could not handle seeing the ex and his woman together every day at work.

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Just had to run to the bathroom at work. To burst into tears.


I know it's been three months. And I know it's a pathetic reaction. But seeing them together at work doing the things we used to do; laughing, joking, being happy...I thought I was doing ok.


A bad day, folks. A very bad day.


You aren't pathetic. I'm going through the something similar. I barely get through meetings and the classes I teach. I catch myself about to burst into tears. This morning I woke and if felt like my heart was being stabbed. I live alone now in a single family home and since I knew my neighbors wouldn't hear, I just howled all my pain. I cried for about 20 minutes before I could get up to was my face. It's been three weeks and I just can't stand this pain. It's ok to mourn. We all have our own time lines.

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You are not pathetic. It's okay to feel, we are human after all. Now after you let it all out let's focus back on you, yourself. It takes strength to even stay at the same work place with who you dated so I know your strong. Once you begin to realize the good things in life and be grateful for things , not saying your not, but you start to look at the positive things in life. You will overcome your feelings you will do 2 of either things, move on or move forward. We from enotalone will always be here for Anyone.

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Thanks for the kind words. You guys are the best.


I wish I felt strong. I've never felt weaker. She seems so happy, and all I do is fake my way through the day. From hero to zero in a matter of months. It'd be so much easier if she didn't get with another guy at work so soon. Actively looking to get another job elsewhere.


Strength? I wish



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Thats good that you are looking for another job. I have dated in the workplace before and the breakups are ugly. I finally was able towards the end of my emotionally abusive relationship to get away from him. The only way I did break free was to change jobs. Out of sight, out of mind. I don't know that you can ever fully recover if you keep getting those memories shoved in your face. My heart hurts for you right now. Be strong. You deserve better!

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InnerApple don't feel bad. We all have those days and I can't imagine how hard it must be to have to see your ex day after day. You are getting through the days at the moment even if you are faking it which is all you have to do. It will get better x

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