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finally ending my life *comments wanted please*


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I'm cold to the touch

Fill these hands with crimson lush

Scream at me to do it again

Once again my body feeds on my own pain

Do you see me bleeding?

Life has lost all meaning

Do you look the way you hate?

Do you hate the way you look?

Hold onto it forever

My straight-edge that I so treasure

Stroke it again accross my skin

Maybe today I will win

Watch my hate run down my arm

These cuts I will forever charm

Burning heat through cuts of the past

Every cut I promise is my last

I look ahead and see you there

But I don't know when or where

Your hands reach up to grasp mine

"Forever" you say "till the end of time"

Well time must have ended

Because none of my wounds have mended

And you are no longer in sight

Living until tomorrow is my childish fright

I pray every night to a God I don't believe in

That maybe he exists to heal my sin

I pray to never awake for another morning

And sometimes I wish my life was boring

Because these pains I can't deal with anymore

And I see myself lying dead on the floor

With my object of choice in my right hand

Bleeding out of every hole in attempt to stand

Unaccepted in this world

My hate, the truth has now been uncurled

So why don't you kiss my hatred goodbye

As you look up into the sky

You can't see me fly away

And tomorrow will be a better day

I wont be there in your life to screw it up anymore

I have now shut and locked life's wooden door






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your poem is really good, but maybe you could write on a more positive topic next time. YOu really have the potential to do something powerful with what you write.........its just that suicide poems aren't too popular.........love / romance poems, esp. when they can be turned into songs..then you can make lots of money and be famous

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its just that suicide poems aren't too popular.........love / romance poems, esp. when they can be turned into songs..then you can make lots of money and be famous


I don't think her intention is to make money or become famous. She is writing straight from the heart, which is incredibly difficult to verbalize sometimes.


Your poem was incredibly powerful Ness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When i read the poem i really thought the author was planning to kill themself, so i only suggested becoming a love writer because it was the only thing i could think of to deter the author from actually killing themself. Preventing suicide was my only intention. I appreciate all types of poems and all types of feelings. But here i just wanted to save the life of the author and thats all. So please don't accused me of being too idealistic..i just wanted to prevent a suicide.


"drahcir - lollipops, rainbows and romantic picnics are not all there is in life. I wouldn't try to write about something I don't know about. I doubt many people could successfully. Just some thoughts."

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