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As I put my head down and then look up at your face,

I look deep within your eyes hoping my pain you can erase.


As I hold you near me and fall fast asleep,

I am really crying out to you because I am into deep.


When I tell you that I love you and show you that I care,

Inside I am really dying and wishing you were there.


At times I feel alone and just want to scream your name,

But then there are the thoughts of this all being a game.


When I want to talk to you I just want you to hear,

That I have a broken heart and it's really you I fear.


When I try so hard to do everything I can for you,

Really deep inside my heart I wish you were doing it to.


When I call you up just to hear your voice,

What I am always looking for if that was really your choice.


So when I am with you and I have hidden tears in my eyes,

Know that I am really tired and dont want to hear any lies.


I am beginning to feel stronger again stronger about you and me,

Hoping that oneday you see clearer if we are meant to be.


by me Tell me what you think?

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