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I'm about to confront and leave a cheating boyfriend... and after some support.


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Not much to say on this thread aside from I've caught him cheating. We've been friends for a couple of years and only dating a few months. This hurts. I would love to find an excuse to stay together but I feel so insecure and betrayed that I'm not sure I can trust him again (and what's a relationship without trust?) so my feelings on it are fairly done and dusted.


I'm about to confront him about it, with solid evidence, in about 2-3 hours. I guess all I'm looking for is a little bit of support, maybe a 'go get 'em girl'.


If you chose to comment, thanks for helping me through this It's been rough.

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Ouch, I've been there.


You're absolutely right not to put up with that! At least you found out early on that this is not the one for you.


Good luck to you and please let us know how it goes. In my experience, it took the most undeniable in-your-face evidence for a cheater to admit anything, and even then he was very squirrely about it and still tried to make it seem that I was imagining things...... stay strong and don't let him make you question what you know to be true!

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Good for you Myonly. I wish to God I had had the strength to walk away from my ex when I caught him cheating (my situation was a little bit different he was emotionally, but not physically cheating it still hurt like hell though). He did the crying, begging, pleading bit where he swore up & down never to do it again and promised to make it up to me and I stupidly gave him another chance. One of the biggest mistakes of my life because he just got me to fall more in love with him in the long run and it hurt even worse when we broke up later on. I should have trusted my instincts and left him after his first betrayal & never looked back you are so strong for doing this it's very courageous of you. I wish you the very best and I hope you find happiness and a man that truly loves you and is completely loyal. Hugs and stay strong!

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