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Big day tomorrow. Dreading it :(

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Tomorrow will be the first day I have to go to work knowing that my ex is seeing someone else.


They both work with me. I've had my suspicions ever since she ended things, but she messaged me recently to confirm them.


I'd been coping well in work until now. But having it confirmed, and having to see them both knowing this? I dunno how to handle it.


I feel like I'll be the focus of attention as well


Feeling a bit crappy today.



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The greatest poker face in the history of human kind, that's what you will master!


Haha, I hear this!!


Like I say, I've suspected this whole turn of events since she left me. She was dating him within a few short weeks of leaving me and our relationship in which she claimed she loved me. Within a month of me meeting her parents etc, she's dating this guy.


This is her fourth/fifth boyfriend within a year. She's spent very little time to herself.


I was hurt at first when I heard she had moved on. But I knew in my heart it had happened anyway. She was immediately close to this new person. Flirting at work, flirting on facebook - I knew something was going on because I was once the person on the receiving end of it.


The realisation though, is tough. Especially since I know them both and see them every day. I'm actively looking for work elsewhere.


Poker face. Here goes it...



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